Ch 24 : Apologize.

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•Dani's POV•

"I hate you," he said. "I love you too," I told him. He sulked and turned away. He was tickled by me last night, making him very tired and couldn't move anywhere except bed.

"Okay, but I'm sorry for last night. I just loved your voice," I apologize to him. He sighed and forgave me. "Oh, and to make up my mistake, what do you want for breakfast? It could be anything," I told him.

"Pancakes and eggs? Maybe with orange juice or anything in the fridge," he said. I nodded and got up to make his breakfast.

As I'm cooking his breakfast, I thought about his cute voice. Moans and laughter.. his voice really amazed me, making me love him a lot.

After I was done with cooking, I started to search for orange juice and found it in the fridge. I took the juice box and poured it into a glass. I tested it and it was still fresh. Then, I took the dish and the glass into our room.

I found Ash, reading his romantic novel. He didn't realize that I was in the room so I put his breakfast on a table and went up to bed.

He turned to me and I kissed him. He put away his novel and kissed my cheek.
Then I took the plate from the table and gave it to him with a smile.

He eats everything, I watched him as he stopped and looked at me. "Don't you going to eat? You can have some of mine.. We can share," he said. But I refused and he looked at me, full of pity.

He keep eating and finished the food. "I'm done, do you want me to help you?" he asked me. I shook my head and kiss his cheek as I took his dishes.

(Time Skip) Night time...

After he was done wearing his clothes, he got up and laid down into the bed. He was looking cute, the star earrings caught my eye.

"Oh, you still keep the earring that I gave to you that day? But why?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "Of course, I keep it! It looks beautiful and expensive, I couldn't just throw away your gifts. I was lonely back in Heaven and I was happy when I heard you died, but I'm a little mad that you kill yourself just to chase me."

I felt my feelings growing for him, but I managed to keep myself together. "Okay, I'm sorry for killing myself in the past. But do you want to sleep? I can hug you, if you want," I told him. He smiled and jumped after I laid down.

I kissed his forehead as he turned to me on my arm. I could feel his breath under my chest, my heart beating fast. Then, I could hear him snoring after some time.

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