Ch 25 : Breaking The Relationship.

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★Ash's POV★

I never thought he would do that thing to me even though I was the one who asked for it. I don't know how to tell him I would break up with him, but I have to. I'm waiting for him right now to come back from grocery shopping, I'm nervous of what will happen if I break up with him..

'Will he kick me out?'

'Will he force me to stay with him?'

'Will he rape me again?'

These thoughts were playing on my mind and I stopped as I heard the door being unlocked. "Hello," he said. I told him to come to the living room and he went straight after putting everything in the kitchen.

"What's wrong, Ash?" he asked me. I told him that I was tired of our relationship and he seemed to be bothered with it.

"Um.. do you have a heart for another person?" I shook my head on his question.

"Okay, then, maybe you still love your ex?"

"I'd never date all of them back."

"I guess it's fine.. maybe your ex was right. You could never fall in love with a person like me again.."

"I love you, but I wasn't prepared when you asked me that day. Can we.. be friends for a while? I just need some time..."

"Sure," I was surprised by his answer. He seemed sad but kept his smile. "Untuk awak, saya sanggup tunggu walaupun awak takkan cintai saya lagi, (For you, I'm willing to wait even if you don't love me anymore)."

I was sad but I needed time, so I only nodded my head. "Kamu benaran tidak apa-apa dengan situasi ini? (Are you sure you're not bothered with this situation?)" I asked him. He nodded and said yes. So that day, we broke up.

He started to distance himself from me but still treats me the same, like hanging out.. Everything we used to do..

I could feel his pain, he's trying his best to hide it while I, on the other hand, felt a bit relief. It was a bit pressuring me, I just don't want to pretend to be fine.

It wasn't comfortable either without me sleeping with him and sharing the same bed. I really wanted all of that back but, I needed time to tell him I'm really prepared.

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