(Bonus) : ♧︎︎︎Kananda x Jordan᪥

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♧︎︎︎Kananda's POV♧︎︎︎

Another day of hearing my brother's lecture. I can't stand hearing him lecturing me all day. We sat down on the table when Dani called us. Jordan sat besides me while writing a story. I looked on his phone and saw my name. I soon realized that he was writing a story about him and me. I blushed afterwards. I stopped looking on his phone and ate my food.

After we finished eating, he washed his hand and went straight to our room. I did the same and saw he was still playing on his phone. "You should probably put your phone down, Jordan. Dani will confiscate your phone if he caught you playing it," I said to him. He looked at me and put down his phone.

"Mhm... Okay. What should we do, then? I don't have anything to do," he said. I went up to the bed and said, "You told me you have problem with sleeping. Do you want cuddles? Or you have any other recommendations for tonight?" He smiled and said we can cuddles.

᪥Jordan's POV᪥

He was the one who wanted cuddles and he is the first to sleep. He is so cute that I want to take a picture of him. I'm not sleeping yet and Kananda forbidden me from playing phone so I just stared at wall. I could hear him snoring softly since he slept with his face buried on my chest.

As I stared at the wall, I heard our door creaking. I can't sit because I'm afraid if Kananda woke up. I slowly moved his head from my chest and arm. He wasn't awake, thank God. I sat on the bed and saw Ash. He was staring at me. "Ash..? Are you okay..?" I asked. "I'm okay. Just checking up on both of you. Do you want anything? I can make it for you," he said. I told him I don't need anything. He left the room and closed the door. I laid down on the bed and pulled his body to my arm.

I started playing with his soft, black and lime hair. I was smiling and he was so cute when sleeping. He turned to me and opened his eyes. I soon realized that he was awake all the time I played with his hair. "Having fun playing with my hair?" Kananda said to me. I giggled. "Yeah, I am. I love your black hair, it looks perfect on you," I told him. He hugged me and buried his face on my chest again. He seems comfortable and after a few minutes, he was asleep. I finally slept at 1.30 AM.

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