Ch 28 : Fever 2 (Part I)

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•Dani's POV•

We started our relationship back again, but I don't feel really good.. "Dani?" Ash called me. I quickly shook my head off and stared at him. "Dani, are you okay? Is there something bothering you?" Ash asked. I gulped as what I was thinking to say to him.

"I.. uh.."

"Dani, do you want to eat something? Do you see any food that caught your eyes?"

I thought for a while as he looked at me full of curiosity. "I.." I paused and asked him, "What was your order?"

"Oh, you want the same thing? Can you handle spicy food? I ordered spicy fried chicken."

"Oh.. well, can I have the regular one?"

"Okay, but are you feeling good?"

"I.." he put his hand on my forehead to know my temperature. Then, he holds my waist to know if my body temperature is the same as my forehead. I felt embarrassed but at the same time, I love it..

"Oh, you're having a fever.. Let me go take the jacket and wait here," Ash said as he handed me the table number.

I waited there. The staff then delivered our food on the table and I saw Ash got in. "Sorry to make you wait a bit too long! I was looking for the jacket in the whole car. I found it in the back of the car," he said as he wrapped me in his jacket.

I guess I'm lucky enough because the jacket was my size.. or maybe he bought it for other people?

"Ah, I just realized that we didn't order any drinks. Do you want lemon tea? It tastes that best, better than original tea," he asked me. My eyes lit up with sparkles and I nodded. He only chuckled and said that he will order the same as me.

After he was done, he sat and stared at me for quite a long time. It made me blush so much, I didn't know how to express it at the time. "Here's your drinks, sir," the waiter said as he walked away.

"So, I wanted to ask you something."

I wonder what he will ask.. maybe he will ask if I'm comfortable with our relationship? Or maybe about our break up? Or maybe why Diera dropped me home? I told her to help me since she picked me up from my apartment..

"Do you want a kiss back home? Or if you don't want to, we can cuddle," he asked. Thank God. "Maybe.. both?" I told him as I sip the lemon tea.

"Oh, you want both of them? Sure, I can give it to you. And if you're wondering how I got that jacket in your size, I actually like oversized jackets but it turns out to be in your size so I kinda love them."

(Time Skip) After they were done eating...

I yawned as he drives the car. "If you want to sleep, just sleep, Dani. You deserve it after all," Ash told me. He slowly patted my head and I finally fell asleep.

(Time Skip) After they arrived at the apartment...

"Dani.. Dani.. wake up, Dani," Ash called me. I opened my eyes and realized that we had already arrived at my apartment.

He slowly helped me get out of the car and pressed our level. There were only two of us, I felt sleepy so I put my head on his shoulder. "Hey, don't sleep here.. I can't stand still too long," he said.

I reached in my pocket and get the keys out. "Here's the...keys.." I said as I yawned.

We arrived at our level and he unlocked the lock on the gate after we got in front of the apartment. I opened my eyes in sleepiness and got inside as I heard Ash closed the gate.

I got inside my room and laid down on my bed. He did the same and hugged me. "Hey, don't sleep just yet! You said you want kisses and hugs!" Ash said.

"Can we do it tomorrow? I'm too sleepy..." I told him.

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