Ch 13 : Getting Along.. Maybe..? ( Part II)

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★Ash's POV★
★ A few months in Reunion Time ★

I started to like him again.. Does he even liked me anymore? He seems to have fun with his best friend even more than he did with me.. Am I jealous? I'm walking with Austin to the bus stand. He saw that I keep my head down all the time I walked with him.

He asked me what's wrong when we arrived at the bus stand. I told him my feelings towards Dani and cried in his arms when he was hugging me. He told me it's okay, he is sure that Dani liked me back but doesn't know how to tell  me.

We started chatting while waiting
for the bus. He was going to work with me. The bus arrived and we got in after paying our ticket. I always put my makeup on and hide my wings. The bus driver knew that I was dead because Dani would always sit on my seat after I died and he can see Austin's wings and mine while the others don't.

We opened the cafe as usual and Dani was the first customer. I was confused why did he come so early. Austin hit my arm and gave me a smirk. He whispered to me, telling me to serve him. I took the waiter's plate and hit him with it. Well, he said that it does hurt but it doesn't left any bruises.

I asked what does he want to order. He asked me if he can order me as his drink. I quickly put my bill book and looked at him with blushing face. He gave me a smirk and winked at me. He gave his real orders and I left his table as I ran to Austin. I told him what Dani said to me and he laughed at my annoyed face.

He said that Dani still love me just like when we were alive. My face still haven't change; I was still annoyed.

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