Ch 30 : Celebrating Dani's Birthday (the end of February edition!)

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•Dani's POV•

I woke up in the morning only to find Ash wasn't beside me. He probably cooking or went to work at the cafe.. I got up and went to bathroom.

I'm so sleepy.. I don't feel like doing anything or even go to the gym... I guess I will start my daily routine.

(Time Skip) After he's done with his routine...

How I wish Ash was here.. I really want him to cook for me since I cooked badly. Well, it's still edible but it just isn't tasty as Ash's cooking.

I opened the fridge to find my almond chocolate only to find there was nothing in the small container.

Ah... That must be me, I probably ate the chocolate when I was stressed out before this relationship.. I took a shower after I finished the food. I chose my outfit, got ready and wore a jacket.

As I was about to go out and open the door, Ash showed up in front of the door. "Where are you going, honey? Today is my day off, remember? I was buying your chocolate," Ash said. Ah.. he was out buying my chocolate... It's very sweet though.

I took the groceries from him and arrange the items into the fridge. "Dani, love, you don't have to do it, I can do it. You're having a fever," he said. I told him, "You're suck at arranging those groceries," it made him laugh in response.

"Okay, then, you can do it if you want to."

After I was done, I went to my room only to find Ash laying down on my bed. "Can you move a little? I want to sleep," I told him. He looked at me with a smirk on his face after putting down his phone and asked, "How about you don't sleep? It's been a while since I kissed you, right?" I punched his face playfully as an 'ouch!' was heard from him.

He pulled me into bed as he kissed my neck. I struggled my way out and ran into the living room. "Not fair!! Danii!!" Ash said as he ran to the living room. We quickly looked at my computer as the computer was ringing multiple times.

We sat down on the couch as I opened one of the notifications. We realized it was Diera spamming my number.

Diera : Dani
Dani : Okay, I'm here. Stop spamming me
Diera : Help me
Dani : With what?
Diera : Austin fainted!
Dani : Wait, what? Have you called the ambulance?
Diera : Yes, I have, but they are arriving at 12.30!
Dani : Send me the location

"So she was spamming you because Austin fainted..?"

"Yes, we have to go there quickly," I said to him. He looked at me with a worried face. We rushed to the car and I started the engine and quickly drives to the location.

I was surprised to see it was a cafe. Maybe Austin fainted in a cafe? I don't know... We got in as I sighed heavily and closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes, Dani!" I heard Austin said. I opened my eyes and realized it was a birthday party for me. "Happy birthday, my dear best friend! Hope you marry with Ash soon!" Diera said.

I was in a mix of surprised and furious because they could've told me to go to the cafe instead of pulling a prank on me.

"I'm so sorry, Dani. I was involved in this too. We want to make a surprise for you, but you really panicked about Austin to the point I cannot explain it to you," Ash said to me. They were lucky because it was my birthday, or else I would have lecturing them.

"Oh, I made you a cake! A cake that you will probably like," Austin said. "Thanks," was what I said as all of four of us sat down.

Bonus! /Future AU/

•Dani's POV• \18-2-2049_ 12.30 AM\

I wasn't lonely again this year (2049 -Dani's birthday), celebrating with my family. The family I have built in the past with a lot of struggle. I just hope my husband doesn't know I came back home late-

"Father! Happy birthday!" Roulette (his daughter) said to me as she smiles widely. I was surprised to see her still awake at this time. "Where have you been, Father? Papa was worried about you! Papa also made a cake for you!" she told me.

"Mhm," we heard a familiar voice. I slowly turned my head behind and there it was, Ash. "Roulette, honey, can you go into my room for a while? I want to talk to your father," he said, glaring at me while smiling to her.

She left to go to her room and Ash sat on the couch. I joined him after and he started talking. "Why were you home late? Was it one of your mafia's issues? Or did you do anything else?" he asked me. I told him there was a little fight between Kananda and Darel. "Damn it, those two never get along well since they get to know each other," Ash said as he slapped his forehead painfully.

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