Ch 17 : Fever.

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★Ash's POV★

His body is so warm that I love hugging and cuddling with him. He wasn't comfortable with it but just leave me to do it.

"H-hey, I'm having a fever. Don't hug me, you'll get sick," he said. I smiled at him and told him it is okay with me. "But you'll get sick, nanti you tak boleh kerja, you kan kerja hari ini. (but then, you'll get infected, you have a work to do today)," he told me again. "Gue gak kira. Gue mau juga peluk sama kamu. (I don't care. I still want to hug)."

"Fine, whatever you say lah," he said, annoyingly. "Don't use that 'lah' to me," I said to him. He teased me, "Or else? What will you do? Kiss me? Give me hickeys?" I stopped hugging him and turned to other side of the bed.

He turned to my side and hugged me. I tried to get myself out from his tight hug. "Let me go! I don't want your hug!" I said to him. He knew that I was sulking so he let me go. He got up and walked to the living room. "Hey, I was kidding, no need to sulk, Dani," I said to him as I got out from his bedroom.

"Tak, I bukan merajuk dengan you, tapi marah sikit lah dengan you (No, I'm not sulking, but a little mad)."

"I didn't say that you're sulking, you're just becoming cuter when you're mad. Stop puffing your cheeks before I play with it," I told him. He rolled his eyes and continue to puff his cheeks. I sat besides him and pulled him to me. "I love your warm body, you know," I whispered to him. He quickly got up with his red face and ran to his room.

I found him covering all his body with a blanket. I laughed and went on the bed. "What do you think I am? A heater or your boyfriend? I'm literally having a fever!" Dani said in the blanket. I laughed again and told him I was kidding.

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