Ch 27 : Relationship Starts. (for the third time lol)

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★Ash's POV★

I felt bad for Dani.. But I feel like I'm ready. I'm starting to see that Dani just doesn't want to do things he used to enjoy like drawing some random things, buy a fake vase and put some flowers, buy stickers and cooking his own food.

Maybe he lost his mental health after I broke up with him.. but I don't want him to suffer.. I'll tell him I'm ready, he probably would refuse it.

Well, I'm done with my work and driving back to his apartment. I daydream about our third relationship and I'll make sure I take good care of him.

As I arrived at the parking lot, I saw Diera, she was dropping Dani. I wondered where they went though. "Oh, you're here. Well, I have the keys, so don't worry about us locked up outside," he said as he giggled a little. I smiled as we went inside.

We waited for a lift to come over fifteen minutes right now. A guy came in and waited for the same lift, then the lift finally came and three of us got in. I pressed our level on the buttons and he stood beside us.

As we were waiting, I could feel someone holding my hand. I looked at Dani and realized he was holding my hand while slowly making it tighter.

Then, we arrived at the level and got out. The same guy also got out and went the same way as us. Dani quickly takes the keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door after we get in front of the apartment.

I looked to my right and realized he was our neighbor. I wondered if he ever heard of my moans.. oh God, that would be embarrassing.

Dani got in and called me to come in.

"Hey, Dani. I have some things to tell you."

"Hm? Is it about me or anyone else?"

"About us."

He looked at me in confusion. "I've made my decision," I told him. "Oh.. you found another guy... isn't it? Congrats," he said.

"No, silly. How I find you being so cute even through our break up.."

"I-I don't understand.. what do you mean?"

"Dani, do you want to be my boyfriend again?"

He blushed. "W-wait, what?" he asks. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"


"Dani, if you don't feel like it, we can take things slowly."

"I-... Am I dreaming..?"

I kissed his lips and he looked a little shocked. He was blushing hard. "Does it seem to be a dream to you?"


"Do you want to be my boyfriend or not?"

"O-of course I do! But, I feel like I'm useless.. I'm not good enough for you, I'm-"

I kissed his lips and stopped only to pull his hand into the bedroom. I pushed him into the bed and kissed him again. I bit his lips and put my tongue in. We stayed like that for awhile.

I stopped and he catches his breath after I got up from him. He sat down and looked at me. "Dani, please tell me. I'm dying to know your answer."

"I'm sorry, but no.. Sikes! Yes, a billion times yes."

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