(Bonus) : ♧︎︎︎Kananda x Jordan᪥

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This bonus is the content of mixes :

• Self harms

Jordan woke up in the morning only to go to the bathroom, holding his stomach and mouth. He vomited on the sink, he realized there was a little bit of blood in the puke, he was a little scared since he never saw a blood in his own puke. He turned on the tap on the sink and washed his mouth.

He also brushed his teeth and flossed so his mouth didn't smell. He could no longer sleep so he carefully went to the kitchen and grabbed the kitchen knife.

He was about to cut his hand when he heard a voice behind him. "Jordan, where are you? What are you doing with the knife?"

Jordan put the knife down and turned his back and there it was, Kananda. "What were you doing? I wanted to be close to you.. please don't go to the kitchen at 3 AM. You kinda scared me, also I found a tiny piece of food, did you vomit? Come on, let's go to bed.."

"It was nothing, I did vomit though. Maybe a tiny drop of ointment will make my stomach better," Jordan said. Kananda slowly pulled him to the bed and let Jordan lay down first.

He then took the ointment and slowly lifted his shirt and rubbed his belly. After he was done, he put down his shirt and laid down next to him. "Jordan, if you ever had a chance to be with someone who you miss a lot, who would it be?" Kananda asks him.


Kananda looked at him in confusion. "Me?"

"Yes, you. I miss you a lot. Of course, you were always by my side, but I meant your cold behavior. It was a cute way for you to express your feelings at the time. But, it doesn't mean I don't like your behavior. It's also a cute way for you to express your feelings."

Kananda looked at Jordan. He thought Jordan looked sick, so he clings to Jordan. "I'm not sick, I'm tired, Kananda.. I'm tired of not sleeping at night," Jordan said as Kananda clings to him.

"How do you know I thought you were sick?" Kananda looked at him. Jordan patted his head, "I know I looked sick, but I'm not. You're so cute and caring though. You even tried to be with me when I was like this, looking so helpless.." Jordan said.

"Of course, I will be by your side forever."

After Kananda said that, he soon got sleepier and sleepier so eventually he fell asleep. Jordan slowly gets up and sits down. He pulled a small knife from his pocket and started to cut his wrist deeply. The wound quickly closes up, leaving a deep scar that can't be healed further.

He continued to cut his wrist, as the last wound closed up, he stopped and washed the knife he just cut his wrist with. He then washed his arms, hissing every time the water touched the wound.

He then got out of the bathroom and laid down beside Kananda. Jordan reached out his phone and saw it was already 6 AM. He then put his phone down and slept together with Kananda.

(Time Skip) At 12 PM...

"Jordan?" he heard a voice. He slowly opened his eyes and realized it was Kananda. "Are you okay? You slept for quite a long time.. what time did you sleep?" Kananda said as Jordan sat on the bed.

"Nothing's wrong, I slept at 6 AM. That's all," he told Kananda. "What did you do? You're not on your phone at the time, right? You promised me!" Kananda said, puffing his cheeks.

Jordan laughed and pinched his cheeks. "Of course not, Kananda. I told you I can keep promises," Jordan said, smiling. Kananda then told him to take a shower because he stinks and Jordan got up, but then Kananda fell from the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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