Ch 8 : Relationship Starts.

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•Dani's POV•

Another embarrassing moment. Why did I kiss him like that? My overthinking starting to take control of me. I snapped out of my mind when Diera and her boyfriend called me. We're drinking coffee at a cafe. She was confused why I was zoned out and asked if I'm okay or not. I told them what I did to Ash and Diera's reaction was a bit shocked because she thought I was straight.

After we're done eating and chatting, they said they will pay for my food and drinks. Well, they did but, I kept on zoned out every day. Ash realized this change ever since we started to date. One night, as I was about to sleep, he suddenly get closer and hugged me. I pushed him behind but he got up and laid down on me.

He asked me what was wrong. I only stayed quiet. Ash asked again for another time. I told him that I'm okay. He gave me an annoyed look and got off me. The next day, I woke up. I checked the time on my phone. It's 7.00 AM. It was Ash's day off. I found him cooking breakfast for us. I washed my face and went to the kitchen. He saw me but choose to ignore me. I was confused why he ignored me.

After we done breakfast, he asked for the third time, "Are you okay or not?" I was annoyed. Still, my answer was the same. He puffed his cheek and asked if our relationship is bothering me. I told him it's not bothering me.
A note from the writer

Hello yet again. I apologize for not completing this part bc I have an exam coming and my homework is multiplying. Maybe I will update a new part for this book and other books once my homework is done. Again, I apologize.

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