Ch 4 : Awkward Situation.. Maybe?

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•Dani's POV•

Only God knows how happy I was when I know he was bisexual. Since he sits in front seat, it was easier to talk to him. He asked me where are we going. Sometimes, I want to kiss him again and confess my feelings. I told him we're going to the supermarket.

I drove and stopped my car at a supermarket. I asked him if he wants anything. He told me to buy him a chocolate. I bought the chocolate he want and some drinks. I paid for the things and went back to my car.

Inside the car, I saw he was sleeping. It was surprising but it's normal for him to sleep anywhere since his shift starts at 6:45 AM. I kissed his forehead and started driving back to my apartment. Once we arrived there, I woke him up. He only groaned and stretched his arms. I got out of the car and took all the things.

We got to the lift and started waiting. He read a novel while I'm staring at him for a long time. He doesn't know I was staring at him. When the lift came, a bunch of people came out. We got in and presses the level of my apartment. We waited until we arrive at our level. I unlocked the padlock and got inside with him. He sit down on a sofa while I went to my room to take a shower.

He was quite all the time. Not talking to himself nor me. I went to him after wearing my clothes. He looked at me, closing his novel. He asked what I want. I said nothing and sat besides him. He gave a side-eye to me. I only looked at him, confused. He got up and left me alone. I can no longer stayed quiet and see him like this.

I closed the door and locked it. He was shocked that I locked the door. I walked over to him and he starts to back away until he falls on the bed. I laid down on him and started unbutton his shirt. He closed his eyes and that was turning me on. I kissed him on the lips again. He wasn't resisting it, instead he kissed me back. I started to touch his chest after we done kissing. I saw his face heating up and immediately stopped. He let out a relieved breath.

I got off from his body and sat down onto the bedside. He did the same and there was an awkward silent. He got up and took a shower. I stayed quite until he wore his clothes. I was embarrassed that I kissed him and touched his chest without permission. It was not good at all.

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