Ch 31 : Reunion with Kananda?

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★Ash's POV★

-Night time-

It was fun celebrating Dani's birthday, we would definitely do this again for his next birthday. We're heading back home after the birthday party ended. "Ash, you once told me that you have a little brother. Can I see a picture of him?" Dani asked.

"Just drive back home first. You're going to get us in trouble if I show it now, haiyaa." I told him, teasingly. He laughed and said okay. We got home quickly and I showed him the picture of my little brother. "Woah, he looks so cute! How old is he now if he wasn't dead?"

I put my head down and he realized he accidentally said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry, I'm just curious.." he said, hugging me. I patted his head, a 'purr' was heard from him. "It's okay, he would be 8 years old today. It is because his birthday is in December," I told him.

(Time Skip) The next day...

I woke up and found my glasses. I stared at the clock that was ticking, it was 9.30 AM. I was surprised when Dani was still sleeping soundly beside me. He usually wakes up before me, which is easy for me to ask what he wants to eat.

I got up and took a shower. While I was showering, I realized that the heater wasn't the same temperature that I used to take a shower. It was on cold temperature which my brother used to take a shower. Am I dreaming?

After I was done taking a shower, I went back to my room. I realized that Dani wasn't on the bed anymore. Maybe he woke up? Yeah, he probably is awake, but where does he go? I let the thought get the better of me after I was done wearing my clothes.

"Ash, do you have any idea where we are? I don't think this is our house.." Dani said, after I found him in the living room. "I know. It belongs to someone that I knew. In fact my childhood friend," I said to Dani. He followed me to Nabil's room. "My brother is here, I can feel it. He's still sleeping and leaving his magic awake."

I waited for them to wake up in the living room with Dani. "So... We're just going to sit here and wait for them to wake up?" Dani said. I nodded and realized that a boy crossed behind me.

"Um.. who are you? You kinda seem.. familiar.." the boy said. I can tell that he's scared of me and Dani, probably because Dani looks kinda mad.

I told him to sit beside me and I turned around to him. "Oh, you must be Joseph's little brother. I'm Ash, Kananda's brother," I said to him. "Wait.. how do you know my brother? I thought he doesn't have any friends that starts with an A-"

"I met him in Heaven," I told him. He looked a little shocked. "That's not really important, can you tell us what's your name? And you don't have to be scared of me, I'm not going to bite you," Dani said to the boy. We later finds out his name was Jordan and he is in a relationship with Kananda.

Dani called him closer and told Jordan to sit beside him.

"Jordan, where are you? Why do you always leave me in our bedroom-" the voice paused. I turned around and saw my little brother. "Hello, Kananda," I greeted him with a smile. He was stunned to see me and said, "Oh my God.. my dream was real... I-"

"You have the same dream again?" Jordan cut his words. He sat beside me and let me hug him. "I-I dreamed about you almost every night.. and that's your rapist. Why is he here?" Kananda said, glaring at Dani angrily.

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