(Bonus) : ★Ash x Dani• & ♧︎︎︎Kananda x Jordan᪥

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★Ash's POV★

I was scrolling through my album on my phone to look for pictures to be deleted since my phone is full of space. As I looked at the photos, I saw a photo that caught my attention.

I tapped the photo and realized it was a picture of me and Dani eating mochi. I smiled and saved it. I looked for photos again and saw a picture of my little brother, Kananda. He was a baby at that time. Time went very fast... I kinda missed holding him as my baby.

"Ash," someone called my name. I looked behind and saw Dani. "What are you doing?" Dani asked. I told him I was clearing my space in my phone. He saw the picture of Kananda on my phone and asked if that was Kananda when he was a baby. I nodded and smiled at him.

He hugged me and pulled me to bed. He started to kiss my neck playfully. I laughed as he did it. "Kalau nak bermanja, at least tutuplah pintu (If you want to indulge, at least close the door)," Jordan said to us. I laughed and said okay as he closes the door.

᪥Jordan's POV᪥

I walked through the living room and sat on the couch. I got my phone out as I started to watch some videos on YouTube. I could still hearing laughter from Ash's room.. I kinda envy them, Kananda seems like he doesn't love me anymore... Maybe I'm overreacting.

Suddenly, I could feel a hand pulling me into a body. I soon realized that it was Kananda.. He pulled me to his room and pushed me on the bed.

He jumped on me and kissed my neck. I could feel a little pain as he kissed my neck, making me pushed him slowly. I kinda enjoyed it but, it felt painful. He laughed and kissed me. He bit my lips, and as soon as I felt the pain, he put his tongue in.

We stayed like that for a minute and he stopped.

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