Ch 22 : Come on..

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•Dani's POV•

Ash yawned in sleepiness and boredom. He put his head on my shoulder as I kept typing on my computer. I'm working at home because I don't want Ash to be alone. "Dani... Are you done? I want to sleep..." he said to me. "Almost," was what I said. Finally, I was done at 12.30 AM.

I shut down the computer and carried the sleepyhead. As I tucked him in, he opened his eyes. "Dani.. where are you..?" He said in his sleepy voice. I turned off the lights and joined the bed with him and hugged him. "I'm here, Ash."

He turned his body to me and buried his face on my chest. I pushed him slowly and let him to sleep on my arm. "Danii..." he said. I only chuckled in response.

"Okay, fine. But no sleeping on chest, okay?" I said to him. "No promises," he said. He wasn't asleep yet after I pushed him from my chest. He jumped on me and kiss my lips. I give him no reaction at all, only to tease him. He got up and laid down. I does it back at him and he only turned away as a response.

I teleported a handcuff to my hands and cuffed him to the bed. I slowly ran my hands towards his armpits and he moved a little. I sat on his body and started slowly tickling him.

He giggled, chuckled and moved so much. I stopped and kissed him. "You know, I actually got an idea of doing adult things.." Ash said. "We can if you want," I told him. His face turned red as he looked away.

"Maybe.." he said. I started kissing his neck and gave him hickeys. He moaned softly, enjoying the moment. I stopped and bit his earlobe, making him moan even more.

I took off his socks and looked back. He seemed to be embarrassed. I slowly ran my fingers on his cute feet, making him giggling very much. "Dani.. s-stop.." he said as he continued to giggle. I stopped and asked, "Should I take off your shorts too?" He wasn't expecting that coming. He looked away again in embarrassment. "Mhm... maybe I'll stop moaning out l-loud.."

I took off his shorts and lifted his legs on to my shoulder. He only closed his eyes as I started to take off my clothes. "Ready?" I asked him. "M-maybe.." he replied. I started to move back and forth as he moaned quitely. "D-Dani... Ah... Please not there..." he said in between his moans.

We stopped after a while and I wore my clothes back. I put on his shorts and socks back to its place and blindfolded his eyes so that he couldn't see anything. "Dani.. Why are you blindfolding me..?" he asked. "You'll know soon, Ash."

I kissed his neck roughly just like how I did in the past. I kissed his lips and played with his tongue for a while. I released my tongue and we created a saliva bridge between our mouths.

"Dani, please don't go any further.. I'm tired..." Ash said. I kinda find him looking cuter than ever and I bent down to his neck and bit his earlobe.

His moan was getting more and more attractive. I kept on biting his earlobe as he moved a little. I stopped and ended up kissing his lips while playing with his tongue.

I uncuffed him and took off the blindfold. Then, I hugged him. He seems to be exhausted after everything that I did to him.

"Sorry, Ash."

As I hugged him, he told me that he wanted me to kiss his cheek and I did. I slowly let my hand under the hoodie he was wearing. I slowly ran my fingers on his sides. "D-Dani.. stop.." he said, trying to hold his laughter.

I then started to tickle him a bit faster and as expected, he laughed so hard that he tried to push my hand from his sides but ended up getting a little scar on his hands.

"Oh my, Dani! Hahahaha! St-stop!"

"Loving it, honey? I'd love to tickle you all night."

"Dani, my hahaha- hands is hurt hahahaha!"

I stopped as he took a deep breath and I looked at his hands, only to find a scratch on them. I quickly got up and rushed to get the band-aid. "It's not a big deal, Dani," Ash said. I didn't care what he said.

I quickly put the band-aid on his hands as he looked at me. "It's not even that bad... it's just a scratch.. I'm sorry.."

"No, I should be. I'm sorry for tickling you."

"Don't you worry, I'm a little sleepy, thanks to you.. can we sleep now? I'm tired.."

I laid down and slowly moved him onto my arm. I could hear him snoring quietly, which meant that he was very tired.. Sorry, honey.

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