10. Vacation/business Trip

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Today was Monday, And I'm loving today's weather I think I'll go to the beach later, I need to buy a house because this hotel thing won't work especially when I have a company to run here. Today I have an early meeting with the investors, I talked to Ami before she went to school so my day is a little bit good, I need to get over this as soon as possible because I'm starting to feel home sick and I miss my baby.

I took my laptop bag and my paperwork and left the room. When I got into the car I drove to wimpy, they have a very nice breakfast and that's were I'll be meeting my investor, my lawyer drew some contract so we have to come to an agreement and then sign the contract. I arrived and went to sit down until the waiter approached me.

"Good morning my name is Rose and I'll be your waiter today, anything you need to order, drinks or food first?"

" Morning, um can I have a cappuccino with an omelet and a brown bread, 4slices thank you" I was not going to wait for the investor because I'm fumished.

"Good morning I'm sorry I'm late, I believe you are Rosalie Daniel's correct?" This buff looking man asked, well I knew him through emails this is the first time we are seeing each other.

"Yes sir, you can take a seat, I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you, I was so hungry that if I didn't order something I would've died"  I tried to be friendly, to be honest I'm bad at this socializing thing, I just don't like people like that.

"OH no problem, I thought I was meeting some beautiful girl with some 8 inch weave and you know make up" oh, this is first, I haven't dealt with a homophobic person so closely.

"Now as you can see it's a beautiful day and I'm having a beautiful breakfast, so just for the record, I don't take disrespect lightly, if you can't do business with what you getting like a professional man you were through the call then we can also call this deal off. I also thought I'll be sitting here with a handsomely gay person with a 12 inch weave and a heel. But instead I'm here with a nigga that looks like he swallowed bees and they stack his ass. SO it's a win win situation, we all didn't get what we expect did we? So are we going to be working together or what? We haven't signed anything yet so this will save us on lot of things" I said that calmly, I'm not the one to fight but when you want to fight I'm always ready, I would've chose to ignore him but he was gonna do it to others so why not stop it now?

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it in an offensive way, it's just that your name is girly"

"Well hard luck Mr, I took it very much offensive and my name is girly because I'm a girl."

"I'm sorry we can now get back to the business" 

"Okay, I'm Rosalie Daniel's, the owner of DD
Technical company, as we we talked before, this will benefit us both, you will be getting 10% of whatever we will be making, if things are looking good we will talk about the other benefits, here I have a drawn contract by my lawyer, so you can also give it to your own lawyer to look at the information written here, if you are happy you can sign but if you are not then it's okay, you can draw another contract if you still kin to do business with us. "

" I hear you, so if things don't go good I still get that 10%? Okay, I see I won't be loosing so much, your company is already known around the country, so I don't see the need of you looking for an investor. "

" You see Mr, I spent lot of money while building this branch. So I also need to recover that money I lost while doing this. "

" But you know you are going to recover that money within six weeks. "

" Oh I know, I just felt like I should look for sponsor. More mindset are better than 1 so why not?"

" Oh I hear you, I'm glad we had this talk, thank you for your time Miss Daniel's"

"Enjoy your day Mr" after that he stood up and paid for his food and left. I also left to do some shopping I'm also thinking of visiting the beach.

After that I went to the beach. The beach was cold but I was liking the sound of water hitting the bay. I wrote 'Amanda ❤️ Rosalie' I quickly took a picture before the water washes that away.  Then after I changed my profile picture and posted that. I sigh in relief. I really feel better, like I'm 10 times better than I was before. I'm actually loving this vacation.

I was suppose to post this earlier. My day has been busy but here is something. Don't forget to vote and invite friends🌈

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