12 I Don't Belong To You

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Today is Monday, last week I interviewed lot of people and I really found less people who have the potential to work here, but I did employ as many people as I want and they will be starting to work on Wednesday, everything is finalised and I'm finally allowed to say that this branch was a success and a good company to people who are unemployed.

"We really did it, I didn't even think we would pull this off honestly" Mr Naidoo said that while taking a seat next to me. We were at the company looking at the view of where people will be working. "really, you were doing something without faith? Faith is the key to many things, you have to believe, have hope and do. But put God first you will see many things will be simpler that way"

" Well I admire your confidence. I see why you are so successful. Managed to build this company in 3 years and be able to open another branch. I've been working with your father for 12 years, he always said that one day his company will be recognized all of Africa. I thought he was buffing. Then you made suzzie. That's where I saw all the potential you have. And I'm glad that you are using that potential of yours. Have you ever thought of making a software? "

" A software no, but I'm thinking of making cellphones and laptops. We already produce computers and robots. This phone, i made it when I was 15. I've been using it since then but I didn't make it for music or social media, I only use it for camera, games and calls. I also made the iPad Amanda uses, it only have access to YouTube kids only and few games"

"Wow I've seen you using that phone, and I've never seen it damaged or cracked"

"Well everytime when it gets damaged I fix it but it is also a waterproof phone. Well it hasn't cracked because I have a good hands when it comes to cellphones" that's true, I hardly break my phones, I just gave my previous phones to my cousins because I was tired of them. If they get broken I fix them myself so yes.


Today I woke up very early because Rosalie's mom asked me to take Amanda to school so I can't be late, and I didn't even touch alcohol yesterday. After doing my morning routine I left to Rosalie's house. This house still has me wondering how Rosie got it. When I got there I knocked, first day it was hard to get in because Rosie was not here to sign me in. Yes she lives in a gated community with a strict security.

"Oh hey Rosalie, get in." my mother in law seem to still like me like she did before, atleast that's what I thought.

"Good morning mama, how are you?"

"I'm good, look, you will be staying with Amanda for this week, her mother is not around and I'm going to the village my brother passed away so I'll be leaving later today" her mother is not around? Now it makes sense that everytime I come Rosalie's mom is the one to open the door and I haven't seen her car or heard her voice, I thought maybe she was avoiding me but if she was avoiding me she wouldn't even give me her home address. But what is pissing me Off is that she left and never bothered to tell me that.

"HEY MAMA!" Amanda's voice took me out of my trance. "hey baby, ready for school?"

"Yes, bye bye koko, please greet Thato for me mcwaa I love you"

After dropping off Amanda's at her school I called her mother.

"Jayden, is everything okay? Is something wrong with Ami ?"

"no nothing is okay, where the fuck are you and who are you with? Entlek what made you leave without my concern"

"First of all what I do with who, is none of your business, and I don't belong to you I'm not your property so oska Tena ngwana kewena(don't irritate me)

" Wara jwang ore ke skao tena( what do you mean when you say I must irritate you)? You still my baby mama so technically I should know where you at"

She sigh" I'm in Cape Town. And the only reason I answered this call I thought something is wrong with Amanda and I'm in the meeting so if that's all then bye"

"I thought your ass is broke, like how the hell do you afford the place you live at"

"Broke? Me? I own a well known company, my company is known through Africa, I just opened another branch here and you telling me about being broke"

"How rich are you" I asked because I never thought her company was this successful.

"Rich enough to buy your attorney and take your hoes in Dubai for a whole year vacation and still be able to secure Amanda's future and her children" after that she hang up. My jaw has dropped, I never thought this woman was that rich, damn now I see what Lisa meant when she said she stayed because she loved me but not my money.

Hey fellas, I hope y'all are having a great day. Till we meet again 🌈

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