25 Don't Try Me

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After work I went to visit Jayden. She needs to know her boundaries because what she did was uncalled for. I went to her place, well Amanda's place but that's not the point. I opened the door. Yes I still have my keys and I also have a right to be here same as her. I found her chilling with her brother. He doesn't really like me that much since he once tried to hit on me but I refused so he started being a bitch.

"Ekse can I talk to you?"

"You can't just come to my sister's house and demand her like she is your puppet"

"Ey shut up, this is not her house, this is Ami's house, the couch that you sitting on, I bought it, with my money, this glasses" I said while breaking them. " I bought this shit, with my money. You see that TV you watching the match? I bought it, this tea table too. Everything that is here is mine. Even the bed that she sleeps on top and the sheets too, they are mine. The only shit that she owns is that Mercedes ONLY so don't ever tell me shit. Now you, get your ass up and tell your brother to stop acting like you own shit that you don't or you'll start paying bills and you'll see how it feels like to be a responsible person since that was never your thing to do. " she ran after me." Now come here"  I held her collar and brought her close to me. "listen to me, whatever came to that dump mind of yours, you should take it out fast, I run a business and Rose also run her business so you can't go around ruining people's life like that. I've been saying that for a lawyer you are very stupid. What makes you think that following me around and harassing us like that will be a good idea? Listen, you are my ex, my past that I wasted my time with so get that through you fucking skull. Rose is not my girlfriend. She is my friend. And even if she is my girlfriend. Let her Be my girlfriend in peace. You had your time and you wasted it. Let it be the last time you did shit like that again. Just because I have Ami doesn't mean I can't beat your ass. Don't try me and stay out of my fucken business"i clicked my tongue and left. She thinks she run the world and she doesn't.


I was left shaking with fear. I forgot how scary this girl was. I guess I got too comfortable and forgot how she handle people who try to put her down. I never thought I'll see one of those days in my life.

"Hey you okay?" my brother asked me.

"yeah just give me 5"

"Hey if she did something to you tell me now so I...."

" Ey Taylor shut up. I'm good. There's nothing you can do to her, I just crossed my line and she didn't beat me up. Even though I crossed her line. She has never put her hands on me" I opened my door and got out" see? I'm all good relax."

" So you kept quiet while she was busy telling me that she bought everything here? "I stopped  walking and turned around before answering him.
" Because everything that she was saying was the truth. I only contributed 20% and she payed for the rest of the money, everything that you see here, it is hers, the only thing I own is that car only, she has the right to kick me out of here, even the bills, she is the one who is paying. I'm surprised she hasn't kicked me out yet. Not that I don't have money, I do, but at that time, I wasn't really committed in to staying here for long so I was like 'why should I spend my hard worked money just to stay here for a year only' but look at me now, 4 years later, still living in the same house and all that. "

" I have an idea, how about you buy this house? "

" Well I can't buy this house because it's under Amanda's name and Amanda is still young to sell this house. And besides why would I want to buy the house that was bought for my baby? "

" Are you sure she's your 'baby' like you saying "

" what the fuck man?! Are you high, you know what don't answer me I'm already fed up of this day and you talking bullshit. Got me want to throw you out right now. Nonsense "

We getting near the end only few chapters!! 🌈

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