3. Theia.

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Every particle of a joyous existence crashed around her like a collapsing mountainside. Theia gripped the edge of the counter, eyes set on Cassian as he stood in the doorway. She felt her fingernails snap under the pressure of her grip, making her hiss out a curse. Cassian and the female stepped further into the tavern, the latter's eyes studying the bottles of alcohol behind Theia.

"W- What are you...?"

She couldn't speak. It had been so long since she had seen his face. The male grinned, wrinkles forming around his eyes. He looked every right like the massive war general. His body mass had somehow grown, his beard longer and fuller, blending with his long curling hair. Theia couldn't fathom that Cassian stood in the tavern, that he was smiling at her.

"My girl is off to training, and we were having a little tour of the village. Saw the fire going in the tavern and thought I might catch you here since you aren't at the bakery. We were going to your house next," Cassian explained, ruffling the female's hair. She squealed out a protest and shoved his hand with a laugh, making Theia frown.

"Your girl?"

"My daughter, Zenova. She's fifteen, starting up training with the others. We didn't want to send her up here right away, so she's been having private training with the Valkyries. She decided she wanted to step into Illyrian fighting, so here we are," Cassian responded, resting his elbow on the female's shoulder.

Theia stared at the girl, her lips parted. She could see them. She could see Cassian and Nesta within Zenova. Tears threatened her eyes as she blinked, clutching her loose shirt. She looked younger than fifteen, hardly meeting Cassian's elbow. Her long brunette hair flowed in waves over her shoulders, her face holding the stern yet delicate features of her mother. She had Cassian's skin tone, the darker touch of the Illyrians. Zenova interrupted Theia's observation by stepping up to the bar and shooting a hand out.

"Zenova. And you?"

Her voice sounded like Cassian's. A bubble of a sob threatened Theia as she took the girl's hand and shook it.

"Theia. A friend from another life," she spoke in a near whisper. Cassian shifted on his feet, making Theia's eyes dart to him. The shock wore away as her mind began to work again. He never came, either. She may have not been close with Cassian, but he called himself an old friend. An old friend would have stopped by during two centuries. An old friend who regularly visits the camps.

Theia's teeth ground together as she leveled a glare at the General. He never came. Cassian seemed to notice the look she gave him, because he dropped a hand on his daughters shoulder and tugged.

"We better go. Your cousin is waiting," he murmured. Zenova's eyes seemed to light up at that. She spun on her heel and brought the cloak hood back over her head as she rushed to the door after calling out her goodbye. Cassian followed, but stopped as he held the door open. Theia forced her tears down, realizing by his eyes who Zenova's cousin was.

"He's here?" She asked. Cassian's eyes closed for a moment before he nodded.

"Don't look for him. He doesn't want to see you."

With that, the General followed his daughter out the door, letting it slam behind them. Theia watched until they passed the window on the far wall, and then she broke.

It would be a couple hours before she'd be forced to open the tavern, so she grabbed a bottle of wine from the rack and dropped to the floor behind the bar. The tears came faster than she had hoped, blurring her vision as she struggled to find the cork screw. It was pathetic, but the emotions hit her so suddenly and painfully, Theia needed anything to soothe them.

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