39. Nyx.

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Zenova was furious. She didn't spare Theia a second glance when she opened the front door and saw Nyx in the kitchen. Her fury radiated as she marched right up to him and sent her fist into his stomach. Nyx grunted, catching her small wrist before she could do it again.

"What is wrong with you?" Zen shouted, ripping her arm from his grasp and shoving him back.

"I'm sorry, I have a lot of shit going on and I couldn't focus," Nyx started, but her right eye twitched and her hands balled into fists again. He shot a glance to Theia, who was tucked on a chair at the counter, her jaw tight and a glare settled on Zen. Nyx knew Zenova would be violent, so he told Theia to just sit and let him deal with her.

"Focus? On what? Making sure I'm settling in? Come on, Nyx! You gave me no time! I would've been fine if you stayed those few days that you promised, but you just came home and told me you're leaving and my father would be here? I wanted to come to training so I wouldn't have to deal with him!"

"Cauldron boil me. Zen, calm down. You don't know what's going on in my life, so you have no right to yell at me. Everything I knew fucking fell into shambles over a month ago and I didn't know what the fuck to do! I'm sorry, but I needed to leave," he argued. Zenova scoffed, rolling her eyes. As she did, her eyes landed on Theia. Oh, fuck.

"Don't get me started on you. My father told me you two used to be together, and I thought it was sweet when you came by asking for Nyx, but then you just run off? What was that about? I'm sure that Nyx did so much work on figuring out his life with you in his clothes. Don't lie to me, Nyx! You just went off on some trip to the Summer Court and had fun while I was here suffering my overbearing father!"

Theia met Nyx's eyes, her own wide and her hands fumbling with the shirt she wore. Nyx didn't want her to feel anymore attacked than she already had, but Zenova was being irrational. She was just angry about having to be watched by Cassian.

"Hey, no. This is not Theia's fault. Don't blame her for anything. I had my own things to figure out, I'm meeting with my father soon. I'm sorry I left you with Cass, but he's your father, Zen. He wanted to make sure you're getting settled fine before you live here on your own. You aren't like me, you can't winnow home whenever you feel like it," Nyx answered, trying to keep his voice level. He didn't want to set her off, because Zenova was a spitfire when she was angry.

Zenova whipped around, crossing her arms as she shot glares between the two of them. Her curly hair fell from the knot it was tied in, falling around her face. Nyx watched her, crossing his own arms. She let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine. I'm still mad at you, Nyx, but I want my father to leave. He won't let me go to the tavern, he won't let me within a few feet of any males, and he keeps scolding the trainers and camp lord. I can't handle it anymore."

Nyx forced out a chuckle, trying to mask his nerves by teasing her. He knocked her shoulder with his fist, earning a glare.

"He's a father. He's going to be overprotective no matter what. If he knew I let you go to the taverns or didn't check in on training, he'd kick my ass. He went to Velaris to tell my father I'm back, so I don't know how the next few days will pan out. I might be here, I might not. Try not to hate me, because I'll be suffering the wrath of my own father."

Zenova cracked a smile, then her shoulders dropped and she wrapped her arms around his waist. Nyx hugged her back, his chin on her head. Theia offered him a soft smile, which he returned with a wink.

"Alright, how about you two go play and I'll make us some lunch?" Nyx offered. Zen pulled back, giving him a skeptic look. He just ruffled her hair, shot a wide grin to Theia, and turned back to what he had started on earlier. The potatoes were boiling, the strips of steak beginning to char.

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