37. Theia

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Her thighs were sore, but Theia felt nothing but joy as she laid across Nyx's sleeping body. He'd 'punished' her for thinking about the Shadowsinger. Of course, she hadn't actively wanted it, but she couldn't help the way it made her feel when he was towering over her saying things like that. Nyx was hers, she was Nyx's. It was as simple as that.

She'd woken moment before, savoring the warmth of his skin against hers. She'd traced the curves of his muscle and the dark ink along his skin. Soon enough, Theia slid from the bed and slipped into the bathing chamber to relieve herself. As she tugged on Nyx's shirt he had left discarded on the floor and aimed to lay back in the bed, her eyes fell to the open letter on the table. Nyx hadn't had the chance to read it yet.

Theia's eyes darted to the male in the center of the bed, his arm laid over his head as he breathed slowly. She shouldn't read it, but she was all too curious about Zenova. She hadn't had much time to meet her, but she knew that Zen and Nyx were close. The kid couldn't be very happy that Nyx left, especially if she knew what he was doing. Her throat worked on a swallow as she picked up the letter and walked to the balcony for better lighting.


I think I hate you. You told me I had days to spend with you before you left, but you gave me hours. My father has been horrible. He's followed me to training to critique me, he's scolded me for not cleaning my room, and he makes terrible meals. He and the camp lord Silas got into an argument yesterday that they weren't training us on muscle building enough.

I hate you and I wish you never left. Coming to training was meant to teach me to be an adult, but I've never felt more like a child. You're closer to my age and you were supposed to show me the fun parts of this damn village. My father won't let me go to the tavern. He won't let me speak to the males that I think are handsome.

I wish my mother was here. I wish you were here. I don't know who that female was that stole you away from helping me, but I think I hate her, too. She was kind, but I know you left to travel with her. I'd like to meet her formally, and I'd like to see you again. My father says you'll be going back to Velaris soon. Please, come back to Windhaven and save me from my father. He wants to teach me how to whittle wooden daggers tonight.

You're the worst,

Theia found herself smiling at the letter. The little female was close to Nyx and didn't want to be with her father anymore. Theia understood that, because that was how Nyx had been. He lived too close to his family and never had a relative as young as he was. That's why he loved the camp, that's why he adored being around Theia. As much as returning to the Night Court disgusted her, Zenova needed her cousin.

Theia reread the letter, biting down on her lip to hide her laugh. Her eyes scanned the name Zenova had mentioned, and her smile fell. Silas. Oh Gods, Silas. She'd treated him so horribly. She'd used him to forget about the male she truly loved. Theia laid her hands on the railing, the parchment crinkling beneath her touch. Windhaven held so much of her past, she didn't want to return.

She needed to right her wrongs. She needed to apologize to Silas, meet Zenova, and take care of the life she had left behind. Theia had loved going to other courts, but she couldn't run forever. Neither could Nyx.

"What are you doing?"

Nyx's sleep-ridden voice drifted from the bedroom. Her heart fluttered at the sound as she lowered her eyes to the crushed letter. With a sigh, she turned and faced him. He was sat up in the bed, his eyes hooded and sleepy. Theia walked to the edge of the bed and climbed in, tightening her wings and curling against his side. Nyx gripped her thigh and pulled her even closer, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

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