18. Theia

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Feyre left hours ago, yet Theia hadn't moved. She stared at the dying fire, still trying to wrap her head around the day. Nyx tried to kill his father- no- Nyx was going to kill her. Theia wasn't afraid until that sword was gone from her throat and Nyx was nothing more than a creature hungry for slaughter. Her life hadn't been easy, she had experienced terrible things, but Theia was sure that those moments were the most horrifying of her entire life. She didn't know why.

She lifted the blanket to her eye, wiping the tears that had dried hours before. Feyre had kept her company until she couldn't anymore. Theia told her side of the story; why she had left those years ago. Feyre didn't know. She was under the same impression Nyx had been.

Rhysand had lied to everyone just to put his son into a life he wanted for Nyx. It made Theia wonder what her life would have been like if she refused Rhysand back then, or if the truth was told and Nyx had come for her. Would she love him? Would she have struggled for so long? Would he even care for her anymore?

Theia didn't want to care for him, but seeing him in Rhysand's office like that had her terrified for his life- a life she had wanted to take. Theia wrapped the blanket further around herself, hiding half of her face beneath. Every part of her wanted to go to his home, to check on him, to see if he needed her. Feyre had said he was back in Windhaven and he would leave her alone until she was ready, but Theia didn't think she ever would be ready.

She wanted so desperately to rid her life of Nyx. Each time he took a step into her life, everything fell apart. It was so beautiful for a small moment in time, when they would lay together and laugh. Theia believed it was the last time she truly felt joy; when Nyx would hold her, kiss her, tell her that he loved her. It also felt like a ruse- none of it real.

Her eyes snapped to the window, seeing the night sky taking over the last light of day. How long had she been sitting here? Theia sighed as she pushed the blanket from her body. She reached for her tea before realizing it had gone cold hours ago. Theia frowned as she stood, stepping towards the door. She stilled, staring at the barrier between herself and a choice she may regret.

Her throat worked on a swallow as she turned back to the couch. Would it be worse to sit there and wallow, or to check on Nyx? She hadn't seen his face since he was coated in blood and unconscious on the floor. Theia wanted to see him for herself, and perhaps she would decide what to do once she was reassured he was truly alive.

Not bothering to grab her jacket, Theia tore her door open and began racing to the village. She slipped on the snow on her way up the hill, cold biting at her hands when she caught herself. With a groan of frustration, Theia stared up at the brightening stars. Fear pricked at her chest, but her soul demanded to be beside Nyx within a breath.

Theia stretched her wings, letting them rise, feeling the tight muscles stretch. With a release of her breath, Theia shot into the air. She had flown several times in the past centuries, though memories always overwhelmed her after too long. Theia didn't bother dwelling on them, not when she had to see Nyx.

Unsteadily, Theia flew over the village. Her eyes settled on Nyx's home, firelight still burning in the windows. She dropped down hard enough to make her knees buckle as she started running. Fear climbed up her throat. Would Feyre have lied? Was Nyx gone? He supposedly visited her home earlier in the day, but Theia had been having visits from the warriors on post, so she had suspected it was one of them.

She slid on the iced wood of the porch, her fist hitting the door rapidly. It swung open, making Theia gasp and stumble back. Her heart dropped when her eyes fell into Zenova. She'd forgotten about her.

"You again," Zenova spoke, tilting her head. Theia nodded though her eyes shot over the young female's head and into the dimly lit house.

"Is Nyx home?" Theia asked, swallowing to calm her dry throat from her heavy breathing. Zenova's brow rose, her eyes trailing over Theia as she stepped back. Theia took the chance to slide into the house.

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