21. Theia

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Theia didn't think she would accept Nyx's offer so quickly. Mentally, she had, but she had yet to tell him. She slammed her key to the tavern on the counter and marched out. Now she was pacing on the street trying to determine if she should go home or go to Nyx. She wanted to leave desperately, but she didn't want to leave with him.

With a groan of frustration, Theia turned in the direction of her home. She didn't need to go tell Nyx that he won just hours after their argument; she would go home and let him think that she was still determining if she would leave with him or not. Her stomach was empty and begging for supper, but after Nyx had taken all of her money, her pantry ran empty. He had fed her earlier, but with the appetite she had grown used to throughout the centuries, bread wasn't enough to satisfy Theia.

Her teeth ground together as she made her way down the road. Theia couldn't fathom how desperate she was to see him the night before. It had to be some strange reaction to the entire night, to seeing him in a way she never had before. Theia didn't feel that way any longer. It was as if seeing his face in her nightmares was enough to bring her back to reality. Nyx was not her friend, he was a monster that only ever fed her trauma and pain.

She would accept his offer of travelling the courts if not only to find someone else to bring her around Prythian or simply find somewhere to stay and settle. Theia may originate from the Night Court, but she could find refuge anywhere.

As if the Mother knew what was in her mind, Theia glared at the letter tucked in her door. She tore it from the doorframe and opened it, her forefinger resting on the broken seal.

Nyx, Heir of the Night Court,

I'm glad to have found your letter. I would be happy to have you stay with me, we have a guest quarter that needs to be used. You've caught me at a good time, because I will be at my palace for a few weeks. Do not feel obligated to spend your time with me- your friend and yourself are welcome to travel my court and my home as much as you wish. You can join me for meals, or have it privately. I will have two bedrooms set aside for your stay.

I am also grateful to hear of your friend's interest in my court. I ask only to have time with them so that I may enlighten them further. Perhaps upon your arrival, or at a meal. Come whenever you wish.

Thesan, High Lord of the Dawn Court

Theia found herself smiling down at the parchment, her eyes scanning the beautiful writing over and over. Her smile dropped when she noticed the scribbled writing at the bottom. Not nearly as fine as Thesan's hand, but still elegant.

Your bag is packed. I didn't break in, you left your door unlocked. Find me when you're ready to leave.

She knew who wrote it, and knowing that Nyx had entered her home had Theia sick. Indeed, her door opened when she twisted the knob. A fire was already roaring on the hearth, and a trunk on the couch. It was open, revealing the folded clothes within. With a grimace, Theia began to prod through the clothing Nyx had packed her. It took hardly a single movement to see that this clothing was not her own.

On the top of the pile, golden fabric was laid across the other clothing. Theia swallowed, lifting the fabric up. It moved like liquid- possibly a satin material. Theia had thought it was a dress, but it was a robe. Crimson threads were woven throughout the arms and neckline, and the fabric somehow looked opaque and transparent. She laid it over the couch, brows furrowing as she grabbed for more. These were pants, similar to Night Court attire in their loose and billowy fabric. The top was nearly the same, cut short with no sleeves.

Theia laid the golden clothes with the golden robe, reaching in for more. There were several outfits that replicated the first, though some were crimson, white, or a rose-tinted color that she was sure would match the sky. The backs of the robes and shirts had no buttons to secure them, but slits in the fabric from the bottom to nearly the neckline. As she neared the bottom of the trunk, her eyes widened.

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