46. Theia

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The rain felt magical. Surrounded by the early morning fog drifting from the Sidra, the clouds falling down the mountains, Theia couldn't fathom being anywhere else. Her skin was chilled, her hair plastered to her face and neck. She laid in the wet grass, eyes closed as she let the rain dance along her skin.

"Are you awake?" Nyx's amused voice filled her ears. A smile stretched across her lips as she nodded. She heard the grass squish beneath his boots as he came closer, and then the warmth of his body beside her. Theia turned her head and blinked open her eyes, seeing Nyx smiling over at her. Gods, it made her chest ache. He was so beautiful, it seemed impossible. His sapphire eyes seemed grey beneath the sky, his dark lashes fluttering as rain fell around them.

His hair was already wet and Theia wondered if it was from bathing or the rain. His eyes fell closed as he turned his face back to the sky. Her heart raced, her fingers itched to trace the straight line of his nose. Theia grabbed a fistful of the wet grass as she studied Nyx. His brows were pulled together, his cheeks red beneath the water drops. His beard had been trimmed to shape his jaw, but it still looked full and Theia wanted to run her fingers over it. Her heart leapt at the thought.

She could touch him now. Those thoughts she used to shove away and rather ride on her hatred for Nyx could be acted upon. Her wing slid from beneath her as she rolled onto her side, the damp fabric of her gown clinging to her skin. Nyx remained on his back, his head turned to her as Theia extended her hand out and grazed her fingers along the hairs of his jaw.

"I love you, Nyx," she murmured, eyes glancing to his briefly before returning to the fingers that danced with the raindrops on his skin. Nyx smiled, his dimple deepening as she ran a thumb over it.

"And I love you, Theia."

Hearing his words had her heart racing. She couldn't help her smile as her hand flattened on his cheek and she brought her face to his. Their lips met in a slow, fluid motion. His lips were so familiar, Theia could hardly fathom that they spent so long apart. She remembered his body perfectly; every dip and curve, every scar and ever hair. He'd changed throughout the centuries, body harder and more broad, but he was still hers.

There was still a weight on her chest, bending her ribcage and pressing into her lungs, but Nyx seemed to lift it. Without knowing it, he took away her pain with the smallest of touches. Theia prayed she did the same for him. Nyx pulled his mouth away, his breath hot against her skin as he grazed his lips over her cheek. The rain felt nonexistent now, even though their clothes and hair were drenched and their bodies shivered.

"Are you happy?" Theia asked, leaning her head against his as they held each other's faces. She felt him smile against her cheek.

"I am right now," he murmured. It was good enough and Theia felt that way, too. Nothing mattered when his body was against hers, his voice soft and his touch gentle. Theia felt as though she could conquer the world with Nyx beside her.

A frown took over her lips as she felt Nyx sit up. She blinked her eyes open, rain coating her lashes. Theia sat up, too, wiping her eyes. When her vision cleared, she saw Nyx gazing at the mountains above and the clouds swallowing them.

"I know I'm home, but I can't help but feel like it's because you're here. If I had come alone, I don't think I would've forgiven my father. I don't think I'd have come, actually. I felt at home in the Dawn Court, and in the Summer Court."

His throat bobbed as he blinked, dropping his face down. Theia watched him and she couldn't help but feel like she was looking at the male she'd fallen for centuries ago. Despite the beard across his face and the older look in his eyes, Nyx looked like a boy. His eyes focused on his hands as he picked at the skin around his nails, wet hair stuck to his forehead, rain dripping down his face. He looked young and vulnerable, and it almost scared Theia. Finally, he turned his head and met her eyes.

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