8. Theia.

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We're done. Theia never expected Silas to utter those words, yet she heard them that morning when she awoke on the bedroom floor. Silas was standing above her, dressed in his leathers and holding one bag of his belongings. She didn't respond, she couldn't. She just watched him step over her body and leave.

She didn't cry. Theia knew he would tire of her eventually. They were never meant to be more than what they were, but it still hurt when he looked at her with such disgust. It had been a week. Silas had come to her house that night and gathered the rest of his things, claiming she could come to him when she had her shit together. Theia didn't expect that to happen.

She had something good for longer than a year, she should've known it was bound to end soon. It was as though the return of Nyx was an omen for her life to fall apart again. It happened quicker than last time. She continued to work at the tavern, though she didn't entertain the males who flirted with her. She was used to it, especially with her reputation, but now it disgusted her.

The tavern closed later than usual, seeing that the trainees had a free day the next day. Theia bid her goodbye to Elena and started the journey down the main street. It was strange to return to an empty house. It had her craving the company of someone- anyone.

A hollowness filled her as she gaze up at the stars. She never loved Silas, but her nights felt wrong without him. It was always Nyx's fault. If he hadn't terrorized her that day, she wouldn't have gotten drunk and pushed Silas away. The only warmth to her soul was the fiery rage she had for him.

As if the Cauldron wished torture upon her, Theia looked down the road to see a tall figure by her silent home. She knew who it was. It was always Nyx. That rage warmed her skin as she marched down to him. He wore that damned cloak, hiding his features once again. She didn't stop, and he didn't speak. Theia lifted her hands and shoved against his chest as hard as she could. He didn't even shift his weight, but he caught her wrists before she could pull away.

"Where is my father's money, Theia?"

His voice was low and treacherous. She felt the rumble of it in her chest. Theia bared her teeth and tried to shove him again.

"Get the fuck away from my house, Nyx. I don't want to see you," she spat. He just let out a short chuckle before tugging at her arms. Theia gasped when her spine collided with her front door, Nyx's massive body blocking her from escaping. She glared up at the shadowed hood of the cloak, wishing she could have the satisfaction of tearing him apart.

"I won't leave until my father's coins are in my hands, in full," he responded. She hated how calm he sounded.

"Your father gave me that money. How often do I have to say that before you get it into your stupid fucking head? I'm not joking, Nyx. I want you gone."

He tsked as his head leaned closer. Theia slammed her head against the door in an attempt to avoid being any closer to him. His grip on her wrists tightened as his hidden face leaned near hers. Theia turned her head to the side, but the scent of him still assaulted her.

"I won't be gone until I have what I'm owed."

Theia gritted her teeth, struggling against his hold. "I don't have it! I don't have the full amount because it was gifted to me!"

His hands dropped from her wrists as he stepped back. Theia shoved at his body again, turning away to unlock her door. She nearly screamed when his hand grasped the doorframe next to her head and his body pressed against her back. She tried to block him with her wings, but his voice already surrounded her.

"Open the door."

With no choice, Theia obeyed. She immediately rushed in and tried to slam the door shut. His large hand caught the door and shoved it open. Theia was pinned between the door and the wall as Nyx forced himself into her house. Tears of fury pricked at her eyes as she shoved the door away and grabbed at the cloak to pull him back.

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