52. Nyx

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Nyx decided that he didn't care what his father said. When Theia looked up at him with those tear filled eyes and a smile on her lips, it would be impossible to do anything other than marry her. She was perfect in every way; as a wife, as a choice for High Lady, as a female he would spend eternity with. And when his parents walked out of the studio and Rhysand's voice filled Nyx's mind, he knew that they couldn't deny his choice either.

"Speak with me in my office. Your mother will speak with Theia for now."

Nyx pressed a kiss to Theia's hair before letting her slip over to Feyre. He followed his father down the corridor, eyes set on his back. Rhysand opened the door to his office and walked around the desk, dropping into his chair with a sigh. Nyx shut the door and sat across from him. He sat straight, eyes set on his father, doing his best to appear serious. It was difficult. The fluttery sensation in his stomach and the childlike smile that threatened his lips made it almost impossible to treat this like a meeting.

"Are you sure about this, son?"

Nyx didn't hesitate. "Of course."

Rhysand's hand ran over his mouth as he studied Nyx. His teeth sunk into the inside of his cheek. His father's eyes narrowed; he never missed anything. His lips quirked up, and Nyx didn't stop his smile this time.

"I want you to be happy, son. I do, but do you fully understand what marrying Theia means? It will not only be you as the future for this court. Theia will have that responsibility as well. I know you will not pull any power from her, so she will need to be sworn in as High Lady at the time you're sworn in as High Lord."

"I understand it all. As does Theia. We've spoken about this, and she has plenty of time to prepare before it happens. I don't believe you and my mother have any plans to die anytime soon," Nyx responded. Rhysand shook his head with a rush of air that could've been a laugh.

"We don't, but Theia will need to learn about our court. If she is aware of your marriage proposal and has accepted it, she will need to join you at any meetings or training. She is young, she knows little of the politics, but she is confident and she has dreams. I know that you two will do right by this court. I am only concerned of her being prepared."

Nyx cocked a brow. "My mother was in her twenties when she became High Lady and she was a mortal hardly a year before that. I assume that Theia knows more than she did. I will hold lessons with her and teach her of the politics. You've prepared me well, I will prepare her," he answered with a small grin.

Rhysand grinned back, his brows lifting as he ran a hand through his hair. "You're right. Your mother knew nothing of this world, let alone this court. I just hope you know that this is a big decision, not only for you but for our court. She will one day be at your side when you make the decisions, and she must be able to know when to make the right decisions."

"Of course, and she will. She has already demanded that changes need to be made, as you know. She's passionate about all things good and right. Theia has a heart that I would never be able to understand, father. Even though her mother neglected her and essentially abused her, she still cared for her in death. She still wanted her body to be cared for appropriately. I mean, her home was ransacked by someone and she decided to forget about it and simply let it slide."

It was true, Nyx couldn't fathom how Theia could allow so much pain and trauma to slip into the past just to give that person the benefit of the doubt. He wanted to force a sorcerer to drag Maia back to life just so he could slaughter her himself. He wanted to go back to Windhaven and find Elena just to cut her hands and tongue off. He wanted to hurt everyone for her, because she never would. The only person she had ever gotten revenge on was himself.

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