30. Nyx

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She fucking bested him. Nyx wanted to kill Theia for how she acted last night; taunting him, making him fuck his fist while she watched. That dirty mouth had him over the edge, and he was going to pay her back. He heard her moans in her sleep, snuck into her mind. He saw her dreams, and he decided he would taunt her back.

Nyx never suspected Theia to use the power she holds against him. It had been centuries since he fell to his knees and vowed to worship her; she still held him by the throat. Nyx didn't think so, not until last night. He'd never been dominated by a female, yet Theia took her power and crushed him. He'd be disappointed, furious even, but Nyx was so fucking proud of her. She was no longer meek, broken, so tiny in the world around her. She was a force to be reckoned. He knew that but Theia had proven it to him.

They were on the beach, coarse sand under feet as they marched to the water. Nyx wanted to distract Theia, to have her lay on the towel and let him devour her. As she tore the linen clothes off and hurried into the water, Nyx couldn't stop her. He didn't want to. Theia was hesitant at first, dipping her toes beneath the surface and letting out a loud gasp as a wave cracked against her knees.

He saw her start to turn, the ghost of a smile on her lips, but she faced the open sea once more and began walking. He watched her. Not the plump rear that swayed with each step, but he tried to steal a glance of her face behind her wing and hair. Nyx wanted to see the raw joy of her feeling the sea.

Unable to contain himself, Nyx peeled the linen shirt from his body and followed her into the water. Mother, he'd follow her anywhere. To the depths of the sea, the highest point of the mountains, he'd follow. The water licked at his skin just as Theia dove beneath the waves. The clawed tips of her wings broke the surface as she swam.

In a trance, he followed. Nyx walked until the water was at his chest, and then he dipped beneath. The salt stung his eyes as he searched for her. It was so clear, the vision of Theia swimming deeper. Fish didn't flee in her wake. They swam with her, as though she was nothing more than an extension of the sea. Her fingers grazed the sand of the floor, picking at broken seashells as she grinned. His heart ached. Did she know he watched her?

Theia gathered two pieces in her hands and began swimming up, eyes locked on the sun that lit the surface. Nyx did the same, hoping to hear a sliver of a laugh when he broke through. Birds sounded as his head came through to air. Nyx wiped at his eyes, blinking to see Theia swimming to where she could stand. Her feet touched sand and she giggled, holding up the two pieces of seashells. They fit together perfectly.

Nyx let out a breathy chuckle. How fitting that the female he couldn't run from found pairs in the expanse of the sea. They were a pair, and she clung to him. Nyx spat the salty water from his tongue as he swam to her. Theia's eyes scanned the beach before she turned to look at him, that beautiful smile faltering. How Nyx wished her smile would grow at the sight of him. He didn't deserve it, but he wished nonetheless.

"What did you find?" He asked, though he already knew. He walked to her, standing at the same level. He stared down at the shells in her fingertips, seeing how Theia seemed to pull them
apart. Nyx's eyes lifted to hers. She was staring at him, lips parted, her chest heaving with heavy breaths. Did she lose her breath to the sea or to him?

He had spent so much time seeing her at his equal in the past months, Nyx had forgotten how small she was compared to him. The water danced at his hips, though it licked her ribcage. He wanted to laugh; Theia had made herself so big in this world, he'd forgotten she's just a female. She isn't is born enemy, a monster planning to take down his court. Theia is just a female, finding her place and wishing for what everyone wants.

"I found seashells," she whispered, no more than a breath. Did she feel it, too? Perhaps it wasn't love, but it wasn't nothing. His heart beat for her, his blood spilled for her, his soul sang for her. Maybe it was infatuation. She wasn't his mate- the bond had plenty of time to snap into place and he wouldn't have tried to kill her. She wouldn't have tried to kill him. Whatever it was, it was primal, ancient, breathtaking.

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