31. Theia.

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It was wrong. It was so incredibly wrong. Theia kissed Nyx gently, her body dropping to his as they tasted each other's mouths. Her hands trembled as she held his face, her thumb dusting over his cheek as she opened her mouth against his. Nyx moaned softly. His hands moved from behind his head, one laid against her cheek and the other on her waist.

They weren't meant to be like this anymore. The gentleness was lost when their hatred grew. Their kisses were meant to be harsh and fast, simply an exchange of desperate pleasure. It felt so good, though. The way Nyx's tongue grazed across her lip, the way his beard felt beneath her fingers.

Theia pulled away, her forehead resting on his as they caught their breath. Nyx's thumb danced across her bottom lip, his eyes meeting hers. It made her chest ache. Theia was so used to either hatred or lust being the sole foundation of his gaze, but this; it was terrifying. His blue eyes were bright, soft, full of an emotion that Theia didn't want to recognize.

"You're supposed to hate me," she whispered against the pad of his thumb. Nyx's mouth closed, his brows drawing together as he stared down at her mouth.

"I think I still do."

"You should," she murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his skin. He didn't move his thumb from her lips as he watched.

"You should hate me, too. Do you?"

"I think so." His eyes met hers again. His thumb moved to her cheek, his head lifting. Theia pulled back, a small smile dancing on her lips.

"What?" He asked in a confused manner. Theia tilted her head.

"You only get thirty-four kisses. You'll have to earn more," she responded. Nyx smiled at her, his hands dropping from her body.

"Let's go find more seashells, then."

Theia let out a laugh as she rose from his body and started to run into the water. It was surreal. That childish joy she had felt rolling down the hills in the Dawn Court came back as she floated in the sea. The smallest things seemed to spark joy.

Theia looked over her shoulder to see Nyx running after her, laughing before he dove into the water. She squealed, dropping beneath the surface. It was a relief to escape that moment. Whatever emotion that rose was suffocating. Theia kicked, swimming down to the floor. Air bubbles rose from her nostrils and lips as she drew closer to few rocks and seashells. She reached out, grasping for the broken shell, but Nyx's hand caught it before her.

Theia yelled through the water, shielding her eyes as sand was kicked up from the male. She heard a distant and muffled sound, perhaps his laugh, and she propelled herself back to the surface. Theia sucked in a breath, brushing the water from her eyelashes. As she blinked through the sting of salt, Nyx was in front of her. He was smiling, a soft and gentle one, as he held a seashell to her.

Theia fought her smile as she plucked the shell from his hand and held it in her palm. His eyes were on the shell. It looked as though he was holding his breath in anticipation. She rose her hand, letting the shell slide down her skin and into the water. With a small laugh, she launched herself at him. Nyx grunted as her body landed on his, her legs wrapping around his hips and her fingers digging into his wet hair.

Their lips met, a soft peck at first, but then the desperation climbed. Theia captured his bottom lip between her teeth, tugging at it until he moaned. Their tongues met, his hands dropping to squeeze her rear. Without their attempts at staying afloat, the two of them sunk beneath the surface.

Theia didn't care. She'd drown in this moment. Out of all the times she wished for death, she prayed this would be the moment. Joy sparked in her chest, salt water slipping between their lips as they shifted the kiss. Nyx pulled her body closer, her nerves sparking to life as her core met his hardening length. Her hand slipped from his hair, fingers gliding across his beard as her thumb brushed their lips.

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