53. Theia

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As kind as Feyre and Rhysand were being, Theia desperately wanted Nyx. They were in the sitting room with wine, Feyre and Rhys sitting on the winged chairs as Theia sat on the couch. The High Lord and High Lady were mainly talking to each other about Nyx, occasionally bringing Theia into the conversation. Theia glanced up to the window, noting the midday sun falling into the evening. Because they were going to the Court of Nightmares, dinner would be within a couple of hours.

"I should get myself ready for dinner," Theia spoke up, pressing her lips into a smile as she stood. The two turned their heads to her with nods.

"I had a gown brought to Nyx's room, wear it if you wish to go to the Hewn City tonight," Feyre said with a smile. Theia's stomach dropped but she nodded before turning and leaving the room. The moment her foot was in the corridor, Theia brought the wine to her lips and finished the glass. It was strange to have so much positive attention from Rhysand, and adding that to going to the Hewn City, Theia felt like her mind was spiraling. She hadn't been there since that female had fought with her and those males touched her. Theia shuddered, glancing down the corridor before making her way to Nyx's bedroom.

Surely changes had been made. They wouldn't invite Theia if she'd be assaulted again, or have to witness countless other females being assaulted. Nyx would've warned her, too. Nyx. Theia's heart skipped as she opened the door to his bedroom. She couldn't believe she'd be marrying him. It felt like a dream she would've had as a child; marrying the Night Court Heir and living a lavish lifestyle, leaving all of the poverty and trauma behind.

Her eyes landed on the garment bag that hung from the post of the bed as she closed the door. Theia took in a deep breath as she stepped towards it, her fingers grazing the buttons down the center. It would be terrifying to walk into that room again, to keep her eyes on every male that walked near her, but Theia almost wanted to. She would be Nyx's bride, and he wouldn't bring her there if she would be harmed.

Biting down on her lip, Theia reached up and unclasped the first button. Would it be strips of fabric like before? As the second button came undone, a footstep sounded behind her. Theia looked over her shoulder to see Nyx. His hands were in his pockets, a small grin playing at his lips.

"Hi, pretty girl."

Her heart thudded as she turned, her bottom lip still caught between her teeth as she smiled up at him. Nyx stepped closer, stopping when her chest brushed his upper stomach and her wings were pressed into the garment back.

"Hi, Nyx," she whispered. He was still dressed in that strange outfit, so formal compared to the shirt and shorts she wore, though his jacket was gone. His hands slid from his pockets and Theia expected them to run up her body, but they didn't. His eyes were hooded, thick lashes shielding them as his eyes fell. Theia followed his gaze, leaning back when his hands came between them. Her entire body felt like she'd been lit on fire. In his hand was a small box of velvet.

"I brought you something," Nyx murmured, opening the box. Theia gasped at the ring that sat within. It was stunning, far more elegant than anything she would've chosen for herself.

"Nyx," she whispered, eyes shooting up to his. He was smiling fully now. A small laugh broke from her as she looked back down to the ring between them.

"I wanted you to have something from the family collection, and I thought this was the best fit. It's not too lavish, but it's still beautiful."

Theia nodded, her cheeks flushed as she smiled. Nyx plucked the ring from the box, tossing the velvet onto the bed. He took her left hand, slipping the ring onto her finger. Theia held her hand out, stilled awed by the sheer beauty of it.

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