58. Nyx

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Theia slept in his arms, safe and calm. At some point, she had fallen to his side, curling into a ball with her face pressed into his neck. He couldn't sleep. Not with the rage he felt in his bones. He wanted to kill them both, but if it came to that, he would let Theia have that honor. He hadn't seen her in that way since her mother had died. They'd messed with her mind just to test her.

Nyx's teeth ground together as he ran a hand up Theia's waist. He couldn't lay here. He couldn't focus on the warmth of her body or the way she breathed steadily. Not when he had heard them come home. They still sat in the sitting room, he knew that. Before Nyx knew what he was doing, he slid Theia's hand from his body and to the pillow. He pulled his wing from beneath her and slid from the bed. Running a hand over his face, he went to the wardrobe and gathered a shirt and pants.

When he was dressed, Nyx shot one last glance to his bride. Her nose scrunched in her sleep, her fist curling into the pillow. He wanted so badly to lay with her but he had a conversation waiting for him. So, Nyx slipped out the door and down the corridor. He needed to keep a hold on his calm, otherwise he knew it would be like those months ago when he found himself chained in the cavern.

His steps were quick but careful, avoiding any creaks or weakness in the boards. He dropped from the last stair, eyes set on the door to the sitting room. He determined it was his father, Cassian, and Azriel in there. If there was anyone else, they didn't speak.

"Why was I not made aware of this? I understand your reasonings but keeping me from this was wrong," Cassian spat. There was a few moments of silence, making Nyx still just beyond the door.

"It was simply a test of her loyalty to my son. It was done and over with the moment I saw it in their eyes. What was done in the Hewn City was Azriel's choice."

His father sounded angry at that. Even if it had been his orders, Azriel took it too far. He had Theia blinded with lust. Nyx himself shouldn't have encouraged her, but he thought it had simply been Azriel seeking her out and Theia wanting him. He didn't want to feel guilt, but he did.

"Why the fuck would you do that? You couldn't keep your cock in your pants? She's Nyx's bride, they will be married and you just couldn't help yourself? What the fuck is it with you and females who are forbidden?" Cassian was now shouting at Azriel, struggling to keep his voice low.

"It began as a test because she had walked up to me. She mentioned... her and I lost control for a moment. We've had this conversation before, Rhys and I, and he understand that. Theia reminds him of her as well. She was taunting me, but I kept myself off of her until I heard what she wanted. It was not a way for me to get my cock wet," Azriel snapped back.

Nyx had heard the conversation between them. Theia had let him in and he knew what was said. It was true that Theia sought him out, but she had wanted answers for why he was taunting her. Azriel was the one to whisk her into the shadows and pin her to a wall. Nyx's hands fisted at his side.

"Either way, she is my son's bride and she will
be treated as such. There will be consequences and I fully intend to face them when they are ready to speak to me. It was not out of ill intent, but I wanted to ensure she was not using him for her own advantage. I see now that it's true between them and I don't wish to stop it."

Nyx's heart slowed at that statement. His father had come to his senses but he still had hurt Theia. She had panicked. She had cried in his arms when she always holds strong. That alone was enough to have him stalking into the room. Heads swiveled. They all sat on the chairs by the lit fire, whiskey glasses in hand. Nyx scoffed at the sight of them.

"Enjoying a drink after terrorizing my wife?"

Rhysand's head dropped to his hand as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Son, she is not your wife yet. Can we speak about this tomorrow? I've had drinks and I don't want to argue."

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