44. Nyx.

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Speaking to his father wasn't nearly as horrible as Nyx expected. His mother wasn't there, but Cassian was. He had been a guard between the two males, his arms crossed and a glare on Nyx. Rhysand had been gentle, calm. He explained himself, his eyes full of tears.

"I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt her. My priority was you, Nyx. I wanted you to grow into the strong male you are now, capable of ruling this court by tomorrow. I love you, son, and I don't want you to feel like you can't trust me. I'm at your mercy, you can say what you wish. Hate me, kill me, I don't care anymore. I just want you home."

Nyx hadn't cried in front of his father since he was a child. He did then, though. He'd slid past Cassian and took his father into his arms, clung to him while tears fell down both of their cheeks. It was a breath of fresh air, and he couldn't wait to revel in the freedom with his lover. He wanted to see his mother, but he wanted Theia more.

He could picture her, stunning in her gown, skin dark from their travels. Her hair laid across his pillow, her plump lips parted as she slept. Nyx nearly groaned, rushing towards the staircase. He slowed when Azriel made his way down, eyes hard on Nyx. His brows furrowed, meeting his uncle's gaze. He brushed past him as he left the stairs, and Nyx could smell her.

Theia's scent followed Azriel, as well as the distinct scent of arousal. Bile rose in Nyx's throat as he turned, watching Azriel make his way to his father's office. Anger pulsed, replacing any sense of longing for her. Sure, he knew she'd been thinking about Azriel, but he expected her to speak to him before acting upon it. His jaw clenched and he could picture it.

Theia on her back, arching as Azriel kissed her throat, thrusting into her. Her moaning his name. Rage sparked, fueling him as he raced up the stairs. He expected her to be in his bed, maybe in the bed from her guest room, but Theia was on the landing. Her back was against the wall, her head hung forward as her chest rose and fell.

"What happened?"

His words came out sharper than he meant, a growl lodged in his throat. She flinched- fucking flinched. Her hair was a mess at the back of her head, her cheeks pink. Nyx's nostrils flared, taking in the scent of Azriel mixed with hers. Nyx stepped closer, taking her chin in his hand and lifting her face. Her eyes were shut, a tear leaking through. His eyes dropped, noticing a drying line of blood running down the center of her throat.

Suddenly, the worst case scenario jumped into his mind. She was crying, still backed against the wall with blood on her. Azriel wouldn't- he wouldn't. Nyx tried to calm himself for her, to ease the explanation from her. Before he exploded, Nyx used his grip on her chin to pull her against him, winnowing them into his bedroom. Theia stumbled back, her hand lifting to her mouth as she doubled over.

"I swear to the Cauldron, Theia, tell me what happened. If he hurt you-"

"He didn't," she croaked, dropping to the floor and rubbing her temples.

"That doesn't explain the blood on your neck or why you reek of him. Don't fucking protect him. If he touched you, I will fucking slaughter him."

His heart was racing, rage and panic making his hands shake. Theia shook her head, dropping it back to look up at him. Her dark eyes shone like sun against honey, her arms curling around herself.

"He didn't. He just spoke to me, I tried to attack him but he pinned me. I told him what I wanted out of you; stability, love, comfort. He pressed himself against me, he-," Theia choked on her words, shaking her head again as she ran her hands over her face.

Nyx shifted on his feet. Discomfort flooded him. If Azriel didn't hurt her, he didn't understand why she was so broken about it. Nyx lowered to his knees, reaching for her. His discomfort could wait, hers was more dire. Theia flinched away from his touch, shaking her head again.

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