50. Nyx

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Nyx was entirely grateful that Theia didn't have regrets when they awoke the next morning. She had laid in his arms until the sun rose, her small body curled into his. He'd woken before her and took advantage of the silent hour, sitting up and watching her sleep. Her head was on his lower stomach, her leg thrown over his. She was so damn beautiful. Her hair that reminded him of the sweetest chocolate, the small dusting of freckles over her nose.

He still looked at her, even when they'd joined his parents for breakfast. Nyx's father nudged his knee, making his eyes snap to him. Rhysand rose a brow, a knowing smile on his lips. Nyx felt the heat climb up the back of his neck, but he held no shame staring at the female who'd soon be his wife. Theia spoke with Feyre, dressed in one of Nyx's soft shirts and a pair of shorts his mother had lent her. Her hair was a mess having dried while being in his fist the night before, but her face was bright and she looked so happy. Nyx bit down on his bottom lip as he dropped his eyes to his nearly empty plate.

He had things to do today, and Theia would be easily distracted with the painting in the studio. Thankfully, she ran off with Feyre after breakfast without anything more than a quick kiss to his cheek. Nyx went back up to his bedroom to change his clothes. He dressed in something he thought suitable for the events for the day; a closely tailored black jacket with silver threading, matching trousers, and a black buttoned shirt beneath. His shoes shined beneath the sunlight as he stood in front of the river house, anxiety tightening his chest slightly. He hadn't been dressed like this since the last time they'd gone to the Court of Nightmares.

He felt like his father when he wore things like this. It was suitable, though. He needed to show that he wasn't a careless heir. He was the future High Lord, and he would be marrying his High Lady soon enough. Nyx clenched his jaw as he began to walk. He could've winnowed, but he wanted to give himself time to think about what he was doing. With his chin lowered and a dead lilly in his fist.

He heard a few people call out his name, but he paid them no mind as he walked through the streets of Velaris. His eyes only lifted to the southernmost mountain. His throat felt tight as he neared the field at the base, the stem of the dead flower crushed in his fist. It'd been a while since he felt like he wanted to cry, scream, or shatter stone. He wanted to so badly now.

Soft grass whispered beneath his shoes as he made his way down the line. He'd only visited this place twice before. Once with Theia, and once the year after she had left. He'd cried in front of that grave on the year anniversary of Theia leaving him. He'd come back to Velaris just to do it. Now, that grace was covered in moss and weeds, the only one not cared for in this field.

Nyx ran his tongue over his teeth as he dropped to his knee. His eyes scanned the words that had been lost to the elements over the centuries. It was cracked and crumbling. His hand rose to grace a finger over the words 'beloved mother'. It was a lie. Nyx dropped the dead lilly in the tall grass and weeds and settled back on his heel. His eyes lifted to the line of willow trees that danced above the creek beneath the mountain. Danced where no breeze was found.

"Hello, Maia. It's been a while."

The trees stilled, all but one. It waved gently as though the spirit of Theia's mother gave him a warm welcome. His nostrils flared.

"You're still trapped in this land. You never made it to paradise," he murmured, watching a lower branch move. He'd never hated a female as much as he hated Maia for neglecting a child who did everything for her. Even when he thought Theia had abandoned him, he came to this grave to scream at her for not being there when Theia returned.

His elbow rested on his knee as he ran a thumb over the hairs below his bottom lip. The willow stilled; waiting, listening. His eyes fell to the dead flower, curled in on itself. Similar to how Theia had been after Maia died. 

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