5. Nyx.

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It had been one day, and Nyx was already bored out of his mind. After escorting Zen to training, he'd returned to the house alone. He started with cooking breakfast, then lunch, took a nap, read half of a book, and now he was mindlessly washing dishes he found in the furthest of cabinets. How he was going to survive a month, if not more, Nyx didn't know.

It was late afternoon, a few hours until Zen would be home. Nyx's hands felt raw from the hour of soap and hot water. He dropped the final dishes into the sink, promising himself he'd clean them later, and marched to the couch. As soon as he was dropping down, a violent knock shuddered the front door. Nyx cursed under his breath, pushing himself back up from the cushion and marching to the door. If it was that rabid female from the night before, he'd need some sort of wards on the property.

Nyx tore the door open, ready to curse the guest out, only to stop when he recognized the faces.

"So it is true! Told you, Adonis," Nicholas exclaimed, shoving an elbow into his friend. Nyx stared at them, unsure how he recognized them so quickly even when they'd change so much. Adonis was no where near as pudgy and short, and Nicholas had grown out his hair and grown a beard. Nyx's eye twitched as he stared at them.

"You going to let us in? Or stand there with a stick up your ass," Adonis spoke, rapping his knuckles against the doorframe. Nyx cleared his throat, blinking at his childhood friends.

"Sorry, I'm just shocked. Come in," Nyx croaked, stepping aside to let the two males into the house. Nicholas whistled as he looked around the house.

"I was sure this place was ready to collapse. You did a good job cleaning it up," he praised, leaning against the back of the couch. Adonis hummed in agreement.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nyx asked, brows inching together as he leaned against the closed door. Nic scoffed and kicked his foot at Adonis's leg.

"Hear that? Nyxie doesn't care about seeing us after two centuries," he mused, shooting Nyx a pointed look. That wasn't true in the slightest, but Nyx was shocked to see them. He was sure they hated him for abandoning them so long ago.

"That's not it. I just haven't seen you in so long, I didn't think you remembered me," he muttered. Adonis rolled his eyes.

"It's not like we were best friends or anything. You're heir, Nyx. You had things to do, we get it," Nic spoke, waving a hand as if to dissipate the tension Nyx felt. He let a breath slip from his lips as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I've been busy," he started with a sarcastic chuckle, "What have you two been up to?"

"Well, I planned to leave Windhaven after the Blood Rite, but Adonis here was already being hired as a trainer. I thought I'd stick around, ended up loving it, and here we are," Nicholas explained with a shrug. Adonis gave a nod in agreement.

"I always assumed you two would be trainers, seeing how you bossed me around during training," Nyx teased, shoving himself off from the door.

"We were heading to the tavern if you wanted to join us," Adonis chimed in, sending a playful fist to Nyx's arm. Dread immediately filled his stomach. Before he could say anything, Nic gave a low chuckle.

"Yeah, and the bartenders are fucking perfect. One of 'em has a reputation around the village, let me and Adonis take her at the same time a couple years ago. I wouldn't doubt she'd let the Night Court heir give her a turn," Nic suggested with a raised brow and a mischievous grin.

Nyx's own brow raised. It had been a few weeks since the last time he could get a female into bed with him. With his nerves shot, a good fuck would help. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, thinking about the idea. His only concern would be that Theia would be in the tavern, seeing that she had worked there before. Though, with what his father said about her taking enough coin to last a millennia and running, he doubted she'd be working at all, let alone in some shit hole like the tavern.

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