60. Theia

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She didn't want to leave the protection of Nyx's arms, but he said that they needed to speak about what had happened. He'd left her in the bath to see if Azriel was at the house- he was, and so Nyx told Theia it was time to get dressed. She frowned at him as she rose from the tub and dried herself. He was already dressed, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. She could feel his anger like it was a flame against her skin.

Theia pulled her clothes from the trunk and dressed herself in a light summer gown. Nyx hadn't moved, hadn't spoken, but Theia felt the pull to him as she tentatively walked up to him. Her head tilted back as she met his eyes. Her lashes fluttered at the warmth of his hand ghosting over her jaw and grasping her chin, leaning down to kiss her slowly. Her own hands were on his chest, her heart beating in time with the one beneath her palm.

"We will get this sorted out. Don't be nervous, I will be with you the entire way," Nyx spoke against her lips. Theia nodded, rising onto her toes to kiss him again. She'd much rather die with his lips on her than of shame. All too soon, Nyx pulled away and slid a hand around her waist. It rested just below her wings and urged her to walk as Nyx opened the door.

The walk to the main floor was utter torture. Despite herself, her hands shook- with rage or nerves, she didn't know. Theia desperately wanted to turn back and hide away with Nyx, but this was for his sake. Closure for him so he didn't feel the need to leave his family for her. Though, it would be her final hand to them. If Rhysand or Azriel, or even Cassian, did something else to her, she would leave.

She thought they aimed for the sitting room, but Nyx turned her down the corridor to Rhysand's office. Theia steeled herself, lifting her chin and clutching Nyx's arm hard enough for her nails to leave indents. He shot her a quick grin before pushing the door open. Rhysand sat in his seat beyond the desk, his hair a mess as if he had run his hands through it. Azriel stood beside the desk, not dressed in his leathers but a dark shirt and loose trousers. His arms were crossed, eyes narrowed on the couple.

Suddenly, Theia felt like a child. A child being brought to the children that teased her to get a forced apology even though nobody meant it. Theia's eyes met Azriel's and she couldn't help herself as her eyes fell and shame burned her cheeks. Nyx cleared his throat, making her head snap to him. He was glaring at his father.

"Theia, I understand that what I did to you was wrong morally, but it was just another way to ensure my court is safe and going to the right hands. That's my only excuse, and I'm sorry. I should not have toyed with your emotions. I had my suspicions, and I see now that I was very wrong. I don't admit that often, but I was. I'm sorry for hurting you, taunting you, and testing you. I do wish for you to understand that I told Azriel it was finished before I gave my blessing of your marriage to Nyx."

Theia stared at him, feeling the emotions flicker across her face. She hated that she was an open book, but she had no control now. Her brows knitted, her throat working on a swallow. How do you forgive the father of the male you love after everything they've done? Was it even forgiveness that made her lips part? She felt none of it. Theia didn't even know what the words were until they hung in the otherwise silent room.

"My body and mind are not yours to play with. I am my own person, High Lord, and I will not be your puppet. Treat me like this again and I will take your son very far away and you will have no heir. He will follow me anywhere, I hope you understand that."

Nyx's hand slipped to her back, fingers dipping between her wings as he ran his hand up and down her spine. He was proud of her. A light feeling took root in her chest as she turned her gaze to him. He was already grinning down at her.

Rhysand's hand tightened into a fist on the desk. "I assume he would. I do not intend to play with you any further, Theia. You are right for my son and you are part of this family now. You will be treated like such."

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