28. Theia.

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The days beneath the sun were glorious. Theia spent her time with Elysen and her friends, Thesan allowing them time from their duties to spend it with her. They swam, laughed, ran through the grassy fields. Theia had never felt so much joy. She felt like a child again, sprinting through the grass only to trip and roll down the hills. She felt free.

Supper came, and Elysen needed to assist with serving Thesan and his lover. Theia laid in her bed, her tray of food sat on the stair as she watched night fall. She placed a piece of fruit on her tongue, kicking her feet up as she counted the stars that appeared. She had never felt so at peace.

As if he knew just how gentle her life had become, Nyx walked onto the balcony. Theia frowned, turning her eyes down to the plate of food. She nearly forgot he'd even been there. Nyx hadn't bothered her in days, not since the morning he told her to leave his bed.

"I have your clothes for the Summer Court. We will be leaving within the hour."

Her eyes snapped to him. Indeed, he had armfuls of clothing. "Leaving? I don't want to leave," she argued, pushing herself up to sit on her knees. Nyx ignored her, marching around the bed and over to the trunk. He flung it open, tearing the Dawn Court clothes out and shoving the Summer Court clothes in. Theia growled in frustration, climbing to her feet and marching over. She slammed the trunk shut, sitting on the lid and glaring up at him.

"Theia," Nyx warned. His eyes narrowed, and she realized he looked much darker than usual. His normal deep tone looked as though he was draped in shadows. Perhaps he was, seeing the night fall.

"I don't want to leave, Nyx! I have friends, and I've been happy!" Theia argued, leaning back on the trunk when he leaned forward.

"Friends? You're telling me that the female who tastes your cunt each night is your friend? That's not what friends do, Theia. You're coming with me, at least that way you know I'm not lying to you."

"You think you're much better?" Theia scoffed, rising to her feet and shoving a finger into his chest. His skin was warm, and it made her nauseous. "All you want is to fuck me. At least she spends time with me! I haven't even seen you in days!"

"It's been a fucking week," Nyx snarled, shoving her hand away from his chest. "It has been an entire week that I left to stay in the Summer Court, because I got too damn tired of waiting for you to come with me. You haven't fucking noticed?"

Theia startled, her eyes wide. She hadn't noticed. Her eyes scanned him again, seeing the thin linen shirt, unbuttoned to his dark chest, and the linen pants. She swallowed, meeting his eyes again.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Nyx scoffed and turned away from her, aiming for the balcony. "Get ready. We're leaving as soon as you have everything packed."

Theia felt her eyes burning as she dropped her gaze to the trunk. She didn't want to leave Elysen. Yes, she'd been pleasing her, too, but was it wrong? She was not Nyx's. They were nothing but bedmates at the times of need.

"I'm not leaving, Nyx. I don't want to be alone again."

"You won't be alone!" He shouted, turning on his heel. Theia flinched, stumbling into the trunk and falling back on it. He looked terrifying, with the wall of night climbing behind him. Nyx was draped in the shadows, illuminated by the faintest of stars. Her breath caught, but she couldn't tear her eyes away. "You will have me. I will swim in the sea with you, eat meals with you, take you to the taverns with the music. I'll do whatever you want, but don't forget I exist. I'll allow so much from you, but forgetting me isn't happening."

As angry as he sounded, Theia could sense the small break in his tone. She rose to her feet, feeling a tear slip down her cheek as she looked towards the door. "Can I write a note?"

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