17. Nyx.

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A pressure like Nyx had never felt echoed in his head. He could hear his wheezing breaths, the blood pumping through his veins. Each breath felt as if his body teetered on the edge of a steep cliff, swaying on the brink of death. Nausea overcame him, making an acidic taste coat his tongue as he spat liquid from his mouth. His eyes peeled open, blinking against the dim light. The feeling came back to his body, and the distinct bite of cold metal pressed into his wrists.

"Is this a joke?" He rasped, lifting his head. Nyx wasn't sure if he was alone, but he spoke anyway. He wasn't alone. His eyes focused on three figures, two closer than the third. Gravity was his enemy, making his head drop forward as he tried to regain his strength.

"You tried to kill the High Lord," Azriel responded. Nyx scoffed, fingers curling around the warded chains on his wrists.

"I tried to kill the bastard that lied to me for centuries. I tried to kill my father that watched me fall apart and become an entirely new person after paying the female I loved to leave me."

"The High Lord, nonetheless," Azriel responded. Nyx had never been on the receiving end of Azriel's punishments, though he'd watched him work a few times. His uncle stepped closer, dropping a wet rag onto the ground and wiping the vomit from beneath Nyx's legs. It was only then that he realized they, too, were strung to the wall.

Perhaps out of spite, or some cruel punishment, Azriel bent and collected the dirtied rag. He lifted it to Nyx's mouth, wiping away the bile and blood.

"Fucking dick," Nyx spat, grimacing at the scent. Azriel shrugged as he tossed the rag to the side. Cassian walked forward now, a sad look on his face. It made Nyx want to scream.

"You shouldn't have acted out of rage," Cassian said softly, crossing his arms as he looked the heir over. Nyx's eyes lifted to his father, hidden back by his shame. Rhysand stood in the shadows, watching his son be toyed with by the torturer.

"What? Are you going to torture me? Slice my veins until I tell you my secrets? You know exactly why I did what I did."

Rhysand didn't speak. He didn't so much as blink. Azriel caught Nyx's attention, his body dropping as he unlocked the chains around Nyx's ankles. He rose and unlocked the ones on his wrists. Nyx's grip slipped from the chains, his body dropping to the ground as though his legs stopped working. He pushed himself up on his arms, glaring at Rhysand.

"You can return to Windhaven to continue watching over your cousin. You are not welcome in my home."

Rhysand's voice echoed in the cavern. Nyx brought himself to his knees, grunting at the pain in his spine. "You're going to punish me? You've been punishing me for centuries!" Nyx shouted, spit flying from his lips. The High Lord slowly walked forward, careful to stay behind his General and Shadowsinger.

"Nyx, I cannot forgive what you tried to do. I understand it was my fault, but if you want to kill me so badly, I will tear the existence of Velaris from your mind. You will not threaten me or my mate-"

"Your mate? You fucking mean my mother! Tell me she is not disgusted with you, tell me that she won't look you in the eyes because you tore my soul apart and watched me suffer! What happened to my father? Where the fuck is that male? Did he die when I became of age? I no longer needed nurturing so you swapped roles? It took me decades to trust you again, and it was all a facade!"

Nyx's throat ached from his screaming. His head dropped as he coughed, blood hitting the stones in front of him. A growl of frustration tore from his throat as he lifted his head again. He saw those fucking tears. Nyx saw the silver lined eyes of a male he couldn't love.

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