56. Theia

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Maybe it was the wine, or perhaps the excitement of feeling more like herself, but Theia decided to confront Azriel. He'd made Nyx angry earlier, and that made her angry. She pushed through the crowd, ignoring the stares or ignorant comments about her wings. Her eyes were on the Spymaster that leaned against the wall, some red haired male speaking to him. He looked like Elain's mate from a distance, but he was too pale. Luckily, he walked away before Theia reached Azriel.

"I want to speak to you," she said, attempting to keep her voice level. Azriel shot her a quick glance.

"I'm on duty," he muttered. Theia frowned.

"But he was speaking to you."

"He shouldn't have been," Azriel answered. Theia sighed, stepping in front of him and sipping her wine. His eyes dropped from the crowd to her, lowering to her chest and lifting to her eyes.

"Why are you treating me like this? Why are you making comments, especially after what you did when I first got to the river house? You had me against a wall, Azriel." The words flowed from her tongue, sliding into a poisonous tone.

Azriel straightened, cocking a brow. "I remember scenting that you wanted me, little one."

Theia shivered at the nickname, glaring at him. "It was a reaction I couldn't control. Tell me why you're terrorizing Nyx."

"I am not terrorizing him. I simply complimented you in your gown," Azriel snapped. Heat flared to her cheeks as anger rose.

"You know what you're doing! I'm going to be his wife, and I will be High Lady one day. You will answer to me," Theia spat. Azriel scoffed.

"And at the moment, you're Nyx's lover. You have no claim over me or what I do. Go drink your wine and enjoy the party, Theia."

She couldn't comprehend why he had fought for her attention and now shoved her away. Was it because they weren't alone? He couldn't have his way with her? Her eyes snapped to the dais, where Nyx sat watching them. His eyes were narrowed on Azriel, his hands in fists on the armrests.

"What is he saying?"

Nyx's voice filled her mind, chills running down her spine. She tried to push their conversation to Nyx's mind, but she didn't know how. Instead, she opened herself fully to him. There were no secrets, not between them, and she would let him hear this conversation. Their words from before ran through her mind as Nyx filed through the memory.

"Ask him if he's acting like this because he wants you for himself."

Her eyes widened, cheeks flushing. That would be a far more pointed question than she wanted to ask. Nyx rose a brow, urging her to speak. She sucked in a shaky breath, turning back to Azriel.

"Do you want me for yourself?" She asked softly, feeling embarrassment rise with the words. Azriel scoffed again, shifting on his feet as he gazed out at the crowd.

"No. You're Nyx's, and I am not interested in a smart-mouthed brat."

Anger ebbed as Theia cast her eyes downwards, waiting for Nyx's command. Her heart pounded in her ears.

"Ask him if you remind him of someone."

Confusion hit her, until she remembered a conversation from long ago. Rhysand had mentioned he had a sister, that Theia infuriated him because his sister had been as demanding as she was about the court laws. He had also mentioned that Azriel had been fond of her- close to her.

"Do I remind you of someone?" She asked, glancing up at him through her lashes. Azriel's eyes snapped to hers. Theia's pulse quickened as the predatory gaze trailed over her face.

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