45. Theia

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Waking up in Nyx's arms felt like a blessing Theia didn't deserve. Every time she had been in his arms the days before, it felt warm, like the sun dancing across her skin. It felt that way this morning, too, but Theia felt like the damned rain cloud that hid the sun's warmth away. How ironic that thunder cracked across the sky and rain tapped on the windows.

She'd forced herself awake before sunrise, knowing Nyx would be gone to train in the garden the moment the grounds were bright. She'd basked in the comfort of his touch until eventually he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek and slid from the bed. He'd been gone for too long, her stomach was growling, and she couldn't hide forever.

Wiping at her face, Theia threw the blankets from her body and pulled on a gown from the trunk Nyx had brought. Memories from her past visits to the river house and the distinct bitter taste of dread flooded her as she pulled the door open and began making her way down the stairs.

There were no voices of a family enjoying breakfast or laughing. It was silent besides the patter of rain and distant rolls of thunder. Hope sparked as Theia neared the dining room. She sent a silent prayer to the Mother that it was empty and she'd sneak a plate of food and disappear without notice. Her prayer wasn't answered, though.


The High Lady's name fell from Theia's lips in a breath, her knees feeling weak. Feyre's eyes, that looked so close to Nyx's, snapped up from where they were focused on a letter. The parchment fell from her fingertips and the chair shot backwards. A small laugh bubbles in Theia's throat as she threw her arms around her lover's mother.

"Oh Gods, Theia. I've been so worried about you. Azriel told us you were here but Nyx said nobody could speak to you until you came to us," the High Lady spoke in a rush, her arms squeezing Theia until her breath wheezed.

"Nevermind me. How've you been? With him?"

Feyre leaned back, her lips twisting as though to hide a grimace or a smile. Her eyes softened as they looked over Theia, her fingertips brushing across her cheeks before stepping back.

"Well, we had our talk and things were settled. He wanted to talk to Nyx immediately after, but I made him wait for a while. Now that they've spoken, he wants to meet with you. Nyx told us not to come get you, but I'm still going to keep you a secret until you've eaten," Feyre explained, shooting her a quick smile before motioning to the table.

Theia let out an unknown breath as she walked to the table and sat. Feyre sat again, nudging a mug and kettle towards Theia. She poured herself tea, bringing it to her lips as a plate appeared in front of her. Feyre returned to the letter, snatching a piece of jam-slathered toast from Theia's plate as she read. Theia ate silently, watching Feyre read, and then reread, the letter.

"Who is that from?" She finally asked, sipping the warm tea. Feyre sighed as she laid the parchment down.

"Kier is asking for us to go to the Hewn City to settle some issues with trade into the mountain. I think he was drunk when he wrote this," she grumbled, reading it again with a cocked brow. Theia snorted, finishing her tea and setting the mug on the empty plate. As expected, the dirtied dishes were gone the moment she was finished.

"Where is Rhysand? Can you join me?" Theia asked as she wiped the bread crumbs from her skirt. Feyre pushed her chair back and offered a gentle smile as she stood. Theia joined her, crossing her arms as she waited for a response.

"I believe he is training with Nyx. I won't be able to join you, but I think that Rhys wants to speak with you on his own. It'll be alright, he understands his mistakes and just wants to apologize."

Theia couldn't help her frown. It felt as though everyone was blinded by the male yet again and she didn't want to be part of it. Nonetheless, Theia gave Feyre a quick hug and made her way out of the dining room. She aimed for the double doors that lead into the gardens, where surely Nyx and Rhysand would be training. Raindrops slid along the windows as she neared the doors, fog hiding the tops of the mountains. Theia stood there for a moment, her heart racing. This storm was yet another piece of the world she never truly experienced. Rain was unusual in the village; if there was precipitation, it would be some variation of snow.

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