43. Theia

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Nausea rolled through Theia's stomach as they stood in front of the main door to the river house. Whether it was the alcohol wearing off, the winnowing, or being in Velaris. Dusk settled across the city, the sky a violet tone with specks of the waking stars. Theia let out a heavy breath, telling herself to keep her strength, because Nyx needed it. It wasn't her turn to fall apart at the hands of the High Lord, she couldn't let herself, because how could she be there for Nyx if she was panicking?

His body was stiff, eyes hard on the wooden door. Theia ran a hand down his arm, bringing his hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles. He didn't look at her. He pulled his hand away, letting out a rush of air as he hoisted the trunk up into his arms and began walking. He'd push her away, it's what he always does when his father was in the way.

She silently followed him, frowning when he winnowed away. He forgot her. She stood in the empty foyer, staring at her bare feet. She didn't have any shoes, and Nyx said boots would be too warm. Suddenly, Theia felt like that child again. A ghost in her own skin, someone else's clothes on her body and nowhere to go. She felt small, meek, and just as broken as she had when Nyx dragged her into this house centuries ago.

Nyx was beside her again, taking her arm and pushing her towards the stairs. "Go to my room. The trunk is there. I'll see you when this is over."

He brushed his shirt and stared at the dark corridor to his father's office. Theia gritted her teeth as she went for the stairs. Despite her frustration, she glanced over her shoulder to see Nyx already gone. It was irritating how quickly he changed. It was another reason she didn't want to come to Velaris.

Theia climbed the staircase, pausing as she got to the guest wing. Part of her wanted to go to the bedroom that had once been deemed hers, but she also wanted to sit in Nyx's room and obey his orders. Her heart pounded, a new wave of anxiety rolling over her. Her spine straightened, almost arching as the sense of someone's eyes hit her. She knew who it was. Who else could it be?

"Is there a reason you're monitoring me and not the meeting in his office?" She asked, turning on her heel. She was tired, frustrated, and didn't want to deal with him.

Azriel leaned against the banister, his arms bent as he rested. Her skin felt too cold, and the lit area felt too dark. Her eyes narrowed on the Shadowsinger. He was taunting her with his power.

"Cass has it handled. I'm more concerned about what secrets you have. You got what you wanted centuries ago, so why are you back? Is it the money that Nyx took and never gave back? Plan to steal and sell whatever you can get your hands on?"

Theia's jaw clenched, her arms crossing. "Did it ever occur to you that all I want is Nyx? I couldn't care less if I'm a part of this family, in this house, or in this damned court. I don't want money, I don't want your protection, I just want Nyx," she seethed.

Azriel quirked a brow, glancing over his shoulder as voices rose from the distance. Theia wanted to be with Nyx. She wanted to be at his side, especially if the argument was getting heated. Azriel pushed off from the banister, slowly stepping closer. Her body erupted with chills, her pulse quickening. He'd do anything to intimidate her and try to get her 'secrets' out. He was a master manipulator and torturer. It was his career.

Despite her wish to show bravery, Theia stepped back. Azriel's grin widened, her heart pounded. The fear she had once held for Nyx, how quickly he could- and would- kill her, was now directed to Azriel. He didn't make any move to hide his weapons. Not when he pulled a dagger from his thigh and spun it on his palm. Theia's back hit the wall, though her glare never gave way to fear. He could smell it, though; hear her pulse and taste her sweat.

"I can take any secrets from you, Theia. You know that. You just want Nyx," he mocked, tilting his head as the blade rose to her chin. Her jaw when tight as he tilted her head up to meet his eyes more clearly. "Nobody just loves us, Theia. Nesta and Feyre accepted the bond. Their desire is primal, and that fed into their love. You have nothing with Nyx, yet you expect me to believe he is the only thing you want out of life?"

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