11. Nyx.

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The words tasted bitter on his tongue. He glared at the female in front of him, fully aware of the dagger now clutched in her fist. Theia was a fucking fool to assume she could kill Nyx as easily as she planned- or kill him at all. His nostrils flared as he looked her over.

"I told you to leave."

Theia didn't budge. She stared at him, though her gaze seemed distant. Nyx took a step forward, feeling tortured by her presence. The fucking female had tried to kill him twice. He was eager to take her life, yet his father had ordered him not to.

"You don't believe me," she spoke softly. It wasn't a question. Nyx snorted, crossing his arms as he looked at her.

"Of course I fucking don't. You abandoned me centuries ago yet you expect me to believe that you did not steal from my father, or simply manipulated him into giving you what you wanted? I'm telling you once more, Theia. Get the fuck out."

He watched her nose scrunch as her face twisted with anger. The hood of her cloak fell as she stepped back.

"You expect me to be able to manipulate a High Lord into giving me an outrageous sum of coin?"

"You manipulated me!" Nyx shouted. Theia winced, though she recovered quickly. Her eyes leveled on his lips, and it made Nyx feel even more powerful in that moment.

"How?" Her voice came out in a breath. Nyx narrowed his eyes on her. How could she forget?

"You're more of a bitch than I thought. I want you out, Theia. If you're not outside of this house in one minute, I'll deliver your head to my father myself."

Theia clenched her jaw and turned her eyes to the door. Nyx rose a brow as he waited. She glanced back at him with a sigh and made her way to the door. Nyx watched her hand turn the knob and pull the door open. She didn't leave right away, but rather looked over her shoulder at him.

"Just speak to your father for the truth. He paid me to leave you. I thought you'd come for me a decade later, but I never saw you again. You're welcome to kill me, Nyx. I have nothing left. Just know that I hate you just as much as you hate me."

Nyx didn't soften his glare until she was gone. When the front door closed, Nyx breath rushed from him. He stumbled back, sitting on the edge of his bed. He hadn't expected her to be in his house, but the scent of her was strong. As soon as he made it up the stairs, he could smell the intensity of his own soap as though she tried to mask herself beneath it. He never expected Theia to attempt to kill him, but now it felt like war.

She was trying to say that Rhysand lied to him all these years. Nyx scoffed, bringing his knees up. His father wouldn't tear his heart out like that. Rhysand would have never let Nyx break for decades just to ensure he did his job.

Nyx ran his hand over his mouth, staring down at the floor. He was tempted to return to Velaris and speak with his father, but it felt like a betrayal to question him after so long. It didn't matter. Theia had a different agenda; she wanted money and she would do anything to get it. The Theia he knew so long ago wouldn't have pinned him against Rhysand, but she wouldn't have tried to kill him either.

She was different. A dangerous different. He'd like the chance to sit and speak with her about what truly happened, but he knew his anger would get the best of him. If she said the wrong thing, he'd surely try to kill her. He had centuries of anger directed at her.

Nyx groaned, shoving off from his bed. He threw open his bedroom door and marched down the stairs. He hated himself for the part of him that still cared. It would be easier if he could slit her throat and be done with it. Nyx threw open the front door and marched in the direction of Theia's home. As he thought of the time, he turned to go toward the tavern. She'd need to open it by now.

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