41. Theia.

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"Theia, wake up."

Theia swore Nyx was speaking to her from beneath the waves. She felt the way they rocked her side to side, the sensation of weightlessness. He spoke again, her name, and she wanted to swim to him. Her legs kicked but she didn't move.

"Theia," Nyx spoke again, but this time it sounded more stern. Her body swayed in the water, and then the air came in. She sucked in a breath, blinking up at the male. Theia wasn't in the sea, Nyx wasn't under water. He was standing over her.

A lazy smile stretched across her lips, her arms reaching up to him. He wasn't smiling, though. His brows were pressed together and low, his eyes harsh. His eyes. There was a darkness to the one on the left, not inside but around it. Her smile dropped into a frown as she reached up, brushing her fingertips over his cheekbone. His eye twitched, his jaw tightening.

"What happened?" She asked, though it didn't sound like that. Maybe that whiskey was too much if she still felt like this after sleeping. She felt almost worse.

"Never mind that. Why are you drunk? And why was Azriel here?"

Theia smacked her lips together, turning her head. "How'd you know he was here?"

"I can still smell his scent. He was here no more than an hour ago," Nyx snapped. Theia turned her eyes back to him.

"He came here to get us, but you were training and I wasn't here," she answered in a blur of words. Nyx sighed and reached down, slipping his arms beneath her back and legs. Theia squealed as he pulled her up, her head dropping back.

"What happened while I was gone? Did he get you drunk?"

Theia scoffed, rolling her head back up to look at him. "Please, Nyx. He's a hard ass. I doubt he even drinks. I was drunk before I got here."

She heard his jaw pop, a frown taking over her lips as she reached up to run her fingers over his cheek. Nyx rolled his eyes and started walking, carrying her up the stairs and into his bedroom. Theia laughed as he sat her on the edge of the bed and kneeled down, his hands on her thighs.

"Tell me what happened when I left, Theia."

The stern tone in his voice had her hiccuping in a breath, her unsteady eyes trying to focus on his. In this light, with the window behind her, she could see the yellowing bruise on his eye and the drying blood on his lip. She ran her thumb over his bottom lip.

"I ate breakfast alone, and then I tried on all of your clothes. I liked these ones the best. Then, I decided to go back to my house to get my own stuff so I didn't look like this when we go to Velaris, but everything was gone." She whispered the last word, remembering the way she felt when she walked into her house.

Nyx's brows furrowed. "Gone? What do you mean?"

"I mean everything, Nyx. My clothes were gone, my soap was gone, my chairs were gone. My bed and my mother's bed were both thrown over. They even stole my undergarments."

Nyx shook his head, like he didn't understand what she was saying. He let out a breath and squeezed her thighs. "We will come back to that, but it doesn't explain why you're drunk. Keep going."

Theia sighed, leaning back on her hands. "Well, Silas was the only one who was really in my house much. He'd be the only one to know what would hurt to lose. So, I went on a rampage. I went to his house and kicked in the door. Some female was naked on his couch yelling at me to leave, but I tore his bedroom apart. I even flipped his bed. I didn't find any of my stuff."

Nyx's eyes widened. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, making Theia grin at him involuntarily. "You tore his house apart?"

Theia nodded. "And broke his door."

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