63. Theia

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"I know I don't look like it, but I do like pretty dresses."

Theia glanced over to Zen, the wild haired female in a thin tunic and pants. Biting back a smile, she turned her eyes back to the shop that Zenova was leading her to.

"It does shock me," Theia teased as she was pulled through the door. It was small, a few racks of hand sewn gowns on display. There was a counter in the center, and a female sat at a desk behind it, thread pinched between her lips as she unfolded a strip of fabric.

Zenova had a canvas bag over her shoulder, the contents slapping against her thigh with every step. Theia had never truly gone out for the day with another female like this. She'd been in the city with Nyx and his family but never like this. The awkward tension crept into her shoulders as she watched Zenova browse the displayed gowns.

"Do you want anything?"

Theia's eyes scanned the racks before she shook
her head. She hadn't thought to bring money. Zenova frowned and peered at the lilac fabric between her fingertips.

"I think this would look nice on you, give it a try," the female pushed. Shame rose onto Theia's cheeks as she shook her head.

"I- um- I don't have any money."

Zenova's head tilted with a confused smile. "Neither do I. We just charge them to the House of Wind. My father pays that bill, I'll just mention to him that Nyx owes him for a few things," Zen explained.

"Oh, well then I guess I will get a couple things," Theia murmured. Zenova let out a small laugh as she pulled the lilac gown from the rack and shoved it into Theia's hands. It was simple, not nearly as extravagant as she'd seen the other females wear. Theia tucked it into her arm and followed Zenova through the shop. The smaller female had gathered a few different gowns for herself, tossing a couple back to Theia when she thought it looked nice.

Soon enough, the two left the shop with Zenova's canvas bag filled and a new bill being sent to the House of Wind. They wandered down the street in comfortable silence. Theia gazed at the different shops and stands, smiling at the few people who spared them a glance. Suddenly, Zenova let out a squeal and rushed to a small market stand with exotic fruits. Theia hurried behind her, curious about whatever had the female in a rush.

Zen held up an orange and pink tinted fruit, her eyes wide with excitement. "Have you ever tried a nectarine?"

Theia shook her head, brows furrowing. Zen let out a dramatic groan and handed the fruit to Theia before grabbing a few more. She murmured something to the shopkeeper and dropped the fruits into her bag. With one held in a tiny hand, she led Theia across the cobbled street to the grassy park.

"These come from the Spring Court. They are marvelous. I haven't had one in so long," Zenova cooed, wiping her thumb over the soft skin before sinking her teeth into it. Theia watched the juice drip down her chin as she chewed, her eyes rolling back with another dramatic sigh.

Running her tongue over her bottom lip, Theia looked at the fruit in her hand. It was shaped like an orange with an indent running down from the stem. The skin was soft, not quite fuzzy but soft. An amused grin lifted onto her lips as she looked back at Zenova. The female was practically hunched over the small fruit as she took bite after bite, juice dripping down her chin and arms.

Unable to handle the anticipation, Theia bit into the fruit. She couldn't help the way her lashes fluttered and a muffled groan left her. She'd had different fruits plenty of times, but never like this. It made her ache for travelling with Nyx again, remembering the sweet and tart fruits of the Summer Court.

"It's good, huh?" Zen asked through a mouthful of the sweet flesh. Theia nodded with a hum, biting into it again. By the time they'd both finished the fruit and gave the pits back to the shopkeeper for planting or trading, sticky juice covered their arms and faces. Zen whisked Theia into a small cafe, utilizing the sink in the small bathing chamber. They cleaned up and went back to the market block. Zen made a point of showing Theia a few shops with fancier dresses, hinting at the looming wedding.

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