65. Theia

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The gown has been finished. Please collect it at your earliest convenience. May the Mother bless your union.

Theia stared down at the parchment, excitement and dread whirling deep in her belly. Excitement to wear a gown fit for only herself- something she had never experienced- but dread for the realization that Rhysand had yet to mention the charges nor the fact a gown had been ordered. Theia and Nyx had kept it to themselves in the past week. They'd reveled in the idea of marriage solely as a couple, not allowing anyone else's thoughts or ideas bombarde their excitement. The only one who knew about the gown was Zenova, and she hadn't mentioned it since.

"What's that?" Nyx asked with a mouth full of eggs and bread, shamelessly shoving another forkful in. Theia grinned at him.

"My gown is finished."

His fork clattered to the plate, eyes brightening with that same show of love and joy he'd given her all week. Nyx made quick work of swallowing the food in his mouth and leaning across his chair to press his lips to Theia's. A laugh bubbled in her throat at the taste of the peppers and spices on his tongue.

"Will you show me? Can I join you in the city?"

Theia swatted at his arm. "Of course not! Is it not tradition to see your bride in the temple?"

Nyx swiped his tongue over his bottom lip as he gave her a lopsided grin that made her heart swell. "Pretty girl, there is nothing traditional about us."

Theia rolled her eyes and folded the parchment, sipping the tea he had made her before slipping from her chair. Nyx watched her from his seat at the table, dimples hidden beneath his beard as he grinned.

"I think I may ask your mother to join me, though. That way, she can ensure your father knows of the charge," Theia thought aloud. She slipped the letter into the pocket of her flowy dress.

"I think that's a good idea. I'm sure she would love to be a part of this," Nyx murmured, laying his fork down and rising from his seat. Theia couldn't help the pull towards him, her hands lifting to his chest and rising onto her toes. He pressed another kiss to her lips, though this one was all consuming. Her heart pounded when he pulled away, her body unknowingly following him. Nyx chuckled and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"I'm going to go find Feyre and then we will go to town," Theia said as she stepped back. Nyx hummed with a nod and turned back to his seat. Theia shot him a quick smile before leaving the dining room. She had yet to see Feyre this morning, but was sure she would be able to find her in the studio. Fingers dusting over the dark oak, the door pushed open. The studio was empty, lit only by the sun casting in. Theia took her bottom lip between her teeth and turned back towards the main corridor.

The studio was the only place Theia knew to find the High Lady. Other than that, she was entirely lost. Shoulders dropping in defeat, Theia decided to go into the city on her own. It was disappointing, but the excitement to see her gown was still there. As she passed the closed door to Rhysand's office, a sound perked her ears. Hushed whispers and laughs. Her head cocked to the side, tuning into the muffled sounds.

She couldn't comprehend any words nor who spoke. Theia let out a breath and raised her fist. Wood scraped her knuckles with three short knocks.

"Come in," Rhysand's voice called, followed by a clearing of a throat. Theia turned the handle and stepped in. Feyre sat on his desk, hair cascading down her back as she looked over her shoulder at Theia. The High Lord sat in his large chair. Both had pink tinged cheeks and swollen lips. Theia felt heat rush to her face as she fell back a step.

"Oh, my apologies. I was just trying to find Feyre," she murmured, making her move to exit.

"I'm here, what do you need, Theia?" The female spoke in her gentle tone. Theia's eyes turned back to the couple.

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