23. Theia

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Nothing could have prepared Theia for the utter beauty of the Dawn Court. When she peeled her eyes open and stretched out against the satin sheets, Theia's breath caught. A golden light danced across the white stone ceiling, making her head snap to the side. The open doorway to the balcony was filled with hues of purple, pink, orange, and blue. With a small gasp, Theia gathered the sheets in her hands and held it to her chest as she rushed from the bed. She nearly forgot to pull the fabric over her rear as she took in the view.

Beneath her, close enough to touch, were clouds. The sky was tinted a stunning rose color, slowly rolling into a purple and brilliant blue as the sun rose. Theia could peer through the clouds and see the green fields and the sapphire river. It was more beautiful than she had imagined.

When the sunrise ended and the sky was a cobalt, Theia turned back into her room. She laid the sheet back on the bed and stepped towards the open bathing chamber. She'd only used it briefly in the dark, but now she could see it all. The tub was given the perfect view out of the balcony, the vanity allowing the light to shine in against the mirror. Her eyes landed on a small wall of stone, along with a large round disc from the ceiling.

Theia tied her hair up with leather as she walked towards the stone, eyes studying the faucet. She reached forward and turned the knob, shrieking in delight when warm water fell from overhead. Theia stepped into the stream, grinning up as the water fell over her face. She washed herself with the soap that smelled of a salty yet sweet scent, reminding her of wind.

She turned the faucet and reached for the cloth on the shelf. It was larger than any towel she had ever used- softer, too. Theia dried her body and wrapped the towel around herself, tucking the extra fabric between her breasts. Just as she was making her way to her trunk of clothes, a knock sounded on the door. Unease raveled around her spine as she reached for the door and pulled it open, expecting to see Nyx.

"Theia, correct? High Lord Thesan is hoping to steal you away for a private breakfast. He will understand if you wish to tour the court instead," a small female chirped. Theia's brows pulled together, a yelp escaping when the female shoved through the door with a tray and sat it on the small table.

"Oh! Um, yes, I will have breakfast with him," Theia answered, her eyes scanning the tray as the female walked back out the door.

"Wonderful, I will escort you to the dining room when you're ready."

Theia opened her mouth to speak but the female shut the door before she could. Theia blinked at the door, confusion muddying her brain as she turned to look at the tray. It was a ceramic container with a long handle on the top with a mug beside it. Theia touched the handle on the lid before noticing another handle on the container itself.

Her palm flattened on the top part as she pushed down, watching it slowly move down into the container. When it wouldn't budge anymore, she decided to pour it into the mug. A dark liquid came out, reminding her of muddy water. Her brows furrowed as she smelled it. It smelled incredible, like a rich spice she had never tasted before.

Theia brought the mug to her lips and tasted the drink. Her eyes widened, taking another long sip. It was a bitter taste- rich and decadent. Nothing like the tea she was used to. As Theia moved to her trunk, she continued drinking it, making a mental reminder to ask what it was.

She sat the now empty mug on the vanity and began pulling clothes from her trunk, choosing the color that matched the sky that morning. The rose colored undergarments were just as sheer as the gold, as were the other clothes. In the rich light, Theia gazed in the mirror to see the outline of her body within the fabric, even though the robes were loose and unfitted. She decided that she adored these clothes. She felt naked and secure at the same time- it was freeing compared to the bundled wool she wore at home.

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