Chapter 8- Promoted To Father Status

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WARNINGS: Alcohol Consumption

Dean took shots with Damon and whooped loudly as Damon laughed.

"I haven't felt this good in a while," Dean smiled, drinking from his bottle.

Dean noticed Castiel sitting alone. He patted Damon's arm and walked over.

"Hey, buddy," Dean said, giving a flirty smile.

Castiel looked up at him.

"Hello, Dean," Castiel said, nodding at him respectfully.

"Why are you sitting alone," Dean asked.

"Uh, the others got up," Castiel said, looking around.

Dean held out his hand. Castiel looked at it and then at the beer bottle on the table. He placed the beer in his hand.

"Not the beer, Cas," Dean chuckled, setting the beer down.

He grabbed his hand and lifted him from his seat. A song had begun playing and Dean led Castiel to an empty section to show him how to dance. Castiel laughed lightly as Dean bumped into a chair. Eventually, Castiel understood and was able to keep up. Damon watched them with a smile as he noticed the look of love resting in Dean's eyes.

"This means a lot to him, y'know," Sam said, sliding beside him, "You being here and choosing to be his father despite everything. It's been a while since I've seen my brother content like that. Thanks, Damon."

Sam smiled at him, only to notice he look a bit upset.

"You alright," Sam asked.

"I have a son," Damon said, the realization finally hitting him hard, "I have a son. I'm a father... Hold on, Sam."

Damon grabbed Alaric, Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan and went outside.

"What happened," Bonnie asked, "You were doing so good."

Damon looked at their faces and they saw the anxiety written on his face.

"I'm a father," Damon croaked, "I have a son in there and..."

"I told you it was gonna hit him later," Stefan said, letting Elena hug him.

Dean walked outside, obviously looking for Damon. He froze as he noticed he walked into an awkward situation.

"Hi, sorry, I was just looking for Damon," Dean said, "I'm gonna go back..."

"No, what is it," Damon asked, facing him.

"Caroline was setting up karaoke for us," Dean said, giving an embarrassed smile, "I thought it'd be fun."

"I'm not much of a singer..."

"He would gladly join you," Alaric said, pushing him toward the door.

"You should hear him in the shower," Elena teased, helping Alaric, "The man has vocals!"

"Yup," Bonnie said, "That's all you, Damon.

"Stefan, help," Damon said.

"Help? I'm gonna be recording," Stefan said, "Go get 'em, Damon!"

Damon, Dean, and the others ended their night drinking, singing, and dancing. Damon also chased Stefan around because he was in fact recording him. Dean and Sam crashed at the Salvatore home to save a trip back to Kansas that night.

Damon walked to the living room and noticed neither had a blanket. He went to grab two and placed them over both of them. He glanced at Dean with a smile and went back to his room for the night.

The next day, Damon was cooking in the kitchen with Elena. Dean was finishing his shower while Sam was checking out the lore books the Salvatores had. Stefan was showing Sam the books and explaining whatever he didn't understand.

"Something smells good," Dean said, walking in wearing clean clothes.

"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon," Elena said.

"Real bacon," Dean asked, "Like the actual meat bacon?"

"That's the only kind I get," Damon said, "Who eats that vegetarian crap?"

"HA," Dean shouted, looking at Sam.

Sam smirked at him and kept reading. Dean took a seat as his phone started ringing.

"Hello," Dean said, "Hey, Garth."

Dean went quiet as Sam looked over. Dean snapped his fingers, asking for something to write. Sam rushed over with a pen and paper. Dean began writing frantically.

"Any ideas what it may be," Dean asked, "Okay, yeah. We'll check it out. Got it. Talk soon."

He hung up and Sam grabbed his laptop.

"Reports of missing people and unexplainable deaths in Tennessee," Dean said.

"Ghosts," Sam asked.

"I thought the same until someone mentioned sulfur and rotten eggs," Dean said.

"Demons," Sam sighed.

"Bingo," Dean said.

"Why are they in Tennessee," Sam asked, "What are they doing?"

"Well, it's a four-hour drive from here," Damon said, including himself in the conversation.

"We leave now, we'll get there by 1 in the afternoon," Dean said, looking at his watch.

"I'll meet you in the car," Sam said.

"I'll go grab my keys," Dean said, getting up.

"Be... Be careful," Damon said, "You can come back when you're done."

"Got it," Dean said, heading out, "Thanks, Dad!"

He sat in his car as he realized what he said.

"I just called him dad," Dean said, "Shit!"

Damon held a look of shock on his face.

"He just called me dad," Damon grinned, "I've been promoted to father status! I got to call Alaric!"

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