Chapter 21- The Dark Hunter

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The Mikaelson siblings surprisingly allowed Dean and his family to meet at their place. It could be that they wanted to know the gossip but either way, Dean took advantage of it.

"So... You killed a vampire with your bare hands," Stefan said, "I don't..."

"Not just killed a vampire, Stefan," Dean said, standing up to pace, "I staked one to the fucking wall and I did it all before she could move to stop me. I've never moved that fast before. Nor am I that strong on my own. It was almost..."

"Instinct," Damon finished, "You were protecting yourself..."

"But I only reacted after Klaus..."

"Klaus was there because it was his job," Damon said, jealousy heard in every sentence, "You were in a life-or-death situation. There's no clear evidence saying that you reacted that way because of him."

"Damon... It's alright even if he did," Sam reasoned, "From the sound of it Klaus was trying to protect you. So it would make sense why you would instinctively do the same thing."

"I got the ingredients for the spell," Gabriel said, walking in, "Are we sure we want to do this though? Even after what Kai told Damon and Sam? I mean it seems kind of..."

"Yes," Dean interrupted, "If I know what I am then I can work to find a way to stop myself..."

"Stop yourself," Castiel asked, looking at Dean, "Dean, no one mentioned you dying in this."

"It's not set in stone, Cas," Dean reasoned, "It'll only happen if it's necessary. Sam, you, and I all know how far I can go once I'm out of my own head. I become dangerous... Especially to you and him. If I can find a way to tame myself then I won't need to die but if I can't then... What choice do we have?"

"There's always another option," Castiel said, shaking his head.


"I'm not letting you die, Dean," Castiel snapped, "I refuse to!"

"I, for one, agree with Castiel," Damon said, "There's always another way. Another option. We're not going to let you die!"

Dean sighed deeply and turned to Rowena.

"We done," Dean asked.

"We need another witch for this," Rowena said, shaking her head, "This spell is too grand for just one. It'll kill me."

"I'll call Bonnie," Damon said, dialing her number.

After a couple hours, Bonnie showed up. She took off her jacket and set it on the couch beside Damon.

"Let's make this quick," Bonnie sighed, "I don't exactly like being inside of this place."

Rowena showed her the spell, making her raise her eyebrows.

"Do you not know how to do this," Rowena asked.

"I do... It's just this is amazing," Bonnie said, "It's incredible! You put this together?"

"This and many more like it," Rowena said, smiling proudly.

"You must be a witchcraft expert," Bonnie awed.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Rowena smirked, "Let's begin."

Bonnie lit the fire to the bowl of ingredients while chanting with Rowena. Dean was sitting in a chair in front of the bowl. He felt them place their hands on his shoulders and head. Once they began to reach, he cried out in pain. Sam stood up, making Eileen grab his arm.

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