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I sat at a picnic table in the school courtyard, patiently waiting for Quinni and Darren to join me for lunch

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I sat at a picnic table in the school courtyard, patiently waiting for Quinni and Darren to join me for lunch. I was going over some English literature notes as, surprising as it was, Harper and Amerie sat opposite me.

I was not their friend nor were they my friends, and I think we'd only exchanged a few civil words and kind smiles in the all years we'd gone to school together.

I looked up from my binder and smiled at the girls, who were already looking at me with eager eyes. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, curious as to what these two girls wanted with me. They glanced between eachother, before turning their eyes back at me.

"Hey Daisie, how's it going? We just wanted to ask a question." Amerie said, a friendly smile painted on her lips. I knew what was coming, they wanted my notes, it was obvious. I was pretty good with English lit, I particularly enjoyed the subject compared to others. I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could even speak, harper chirped up.

"Is it true Darren gave Ant a wristy?" I was taken back by Harpers question, and thought for a moment on how to broach the subject. In a short answer, yes, it was true. But why would I tell them something so intimate about my best friend? Again, I'd opened my mouth to reply and just as I'd done so a basketball came flying across the courtyard, and bounced straight onto the table before falling into my lap.

Jesus, that scared the shit out of me.

I looked down at the ball in my lap before looking up, Spencer White towering over me. I swallowed, staring at him at a loss for words. There was no shame in admitting he was intimidating, extremely, intimidating. He always had this hard stare that could make anyone crumble, and right now I was the one under it. We stared at each other for what felt like forever, before he dipped his hands down between my arms and toward my lap, grabbing his basketball. He didn't break his eye contact with me as he did so, it felt like an eternity of being shadowed by his glooming figure.

He strutted away quickly, carrying on passing the ball round with his friends. "Sorry, what?" I asked as I turned back towards where the girls had been sat opposite me, only to find them gone. I exhaled sharply, trying to wrap my head around what the hell just happened in that moment. His stare was menacing, and left me subdue to say the least.

Everyone bolted toward the old stairwell with no hesitation, including Darren, Quinni and I. A crowd had gathered, and we pushed our way to the top of the stairs and through the crowd. "What in kids helpline?" Darren said, shocked by what we saw in front of us.

There it was, Darren's name linked straight to Ant, indicating Darren had, in fact, given Ant a handjob, There was even a key to indicate what line meant what. Quinni's name appeared on there also, I was shocked to see it was linked to Spider, I'd never even seen them exchange words.

Oh no.

What in the holy fuck is that...

I dropped my jaw in shock, brushing my finger from spiders name straight down to mine. A gold line between them and a pair of lazily drawn eyes in the middle of the line. What does that even mean?
Looking across to the key, I see the eyes right at the bottom.

'Eye fucked'

Eye fucked?

"Eye fucked?" I question, turning my head to Darren. I don't think I've ever looked at Spider for more than two seconds, and now all that separated our names on this incest map was a measly gold line. How embarrassing, I'd never been involved with anyone at this school, I hadn't even kissed anyone yet. I was saving it for someone that was actually worth something, as pathetic as that must sound to the people on this map, and now I'd been associated with it for something as pathetic as...

Eye fucking?

"Trust me bro, an eye fuck is all you'll get from that prude." I heard Ant say to Spider behind me, laughing loudly though I didn't find it particularly funny. God, this is humiliating.

"I mean, seriously, who the fuck even is that? Who the fuck is Daisie? If all she's good for is an eye fuck, I don't want her." Spider stated loudly, followed by a blaring round of laughter from everyone in the stairwell. Quinni looked at me sympathetically, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glanced up at Dusty, who laughed along with his friends. He met my eyes and quickly stopped laughing, giving me a sympathetic look.

I faced down at the ground with bright red cheeks, hot with shame. I didn't want these hyper sexual arseholes to make fun of me because I wasn't having sex, that's bottom of the barrel lame.

After an excruciatingly awkward assembly and Woodsy making it clear she was to contact all our parents after we had ruined the reputation of the school, the three of us sat in the gym, waiting for our next class

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After an excruciatingly awkward assembly and Woodsy making it clear she was to contact all our parents after we had ruined the reputation of the school, the three of us sat in the gym, waiting for our next class.

"It must have been her, we all saw her being pulled into the office by Woodsy" Darren suggested, twiddling their pink Durag in his fingers. I sighed, shrugging at Darren's words as I picked at the fluff on the sleeves of my cardigan.

"If it was her, then why would she make it? And what does that gold line even mean?" I said, still puzzled by it. I noticed Spider across the gym, messing around with Ant as per usual. I can't believe that dickhead called me a prude, I mean, who even uses words like that anymore?

"Whatever it is, we know it's not true. Same for Quinni. There's no way neither of you would go near Spider or his dickless crouch, I have more faith in you than that" Darren sassed, making Quinni and I smile. As they said that, a fight quickly broke out across the hall.

Amerie had Harper pinned against the wall with her arm, which clearly didn't sit well with Harper, as she pushed Amerie back and head butted her nose aggressively. I winced, watching Amerie hit the floor.

Damn, that's gonna sting.

Quinni dropped to her knees in front of Amerie, feeling sympathetic for the girl who just got beaten the shit out of. As did I, she may have created the incest map, but nobody deserves to be beaten up in front of everyone for it. Quinni was pure, and saw the best in people, though this time she would of been better of doing the opposite.

Amerie sneezed, splattering blood straight across Quinni's face. Me and Darren grabbed her, Darren expressing a few words of disgust as we picked Quinni up from the floor.

We hadn't even gotten to lunch yet, and this had been the most eventful first day of school by miles.

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