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I stood in front of the school, breathing deeply, nervously

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I stood in front of the school, breathing deeply, nervously. The people on the soccer team left through the main doors as I arrived, just in time. I made my way through the double doors, my hands clammy with unease. This was a bad idea, a bad, bad, terrible idea.

The negative thoughts ran through my head, I was terribly scared to get caught. I didn't want somebody to get the wrong idea from my actions, I could see how they would. I pulled the hood of my jumper over my head, making my way to the lockers. God, I looked pathetic. Sneaking around to spare the harsh words of someone I lacked an understanding for, what could he possibly say that would hurt my feelings that he hadn't already said if I just decided to be honest?

I took the paper out of my pocket as I approached Spider's locker, looking it over for a moment. I huffed, before jamming the paper through the crack of his locker. I sighed in relief, watching the paper slip through the crack and into the locker safely. It was no longer a weight to carry, and I could move on from feeling the culpability that came with keeping the paper in the first place.

As I began to walk back towards the door, I noticed faint noises coming from the gym that stood a few meters from Spider's locker. I tiptoed over quietly, peering from behind the wall into the gym.


He was practicing his skills, shooting into the hoops over and over again in a tedious cycle. I watched him for a few minutes as he began to get frustrated. I felt bad for him, he was going up against Spider for district tryouts. It was clear who was the superior player, and I think everyone knew it, including Malakai.

After the few minutes I was watching him for, unsure if I should make my presence known or not, he threw the ball over his shoulder and left the gym through the double doors on the other side of the court, swinging his bag over his shoulder in a rage. I sighed, pulling the hood off my head that I hadn't noticed was still there, and began to turn in order to leave the way I had came.

"What are you doing?"

"Jesus!" I shouted, the raspy voice coming from behind me making me panic. I turned quickly, met with him standing a couple meters away, dressed in his basketball attire and sneakers, He must be here to practice also. I swallowed my panic to my chest, thinking for a moment in a state of agitation. "Um, I think I left my uh, maths book on the benches when I came for chess club." I said, though i didn't think it sounded all that convincing.

Spider raised an eyebrow at me, unsure of my excuse. "I was waiting until Malakai was gone, I didn't want to interrupt." I defended myself, running a hand through my hair. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me as I rambled my excuse. "I'll just get it another time." I mumbled. beginning my quick exit out of the school, I brushed past Spiders arm.

Without warning, Spider reached out and latched his hand around my wrist, twisting me to face him. I stopped, taken aback by the physical contact. "Since you're here, and I just heard Malakai leave... you're the best I've got, unfortunately." he started, stopping for a moment to glance me up and down. I shivered under his stare, waiting for him finish. "you can help me out." He smirked. I stared at him blankly for a moment, processing his request.

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