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"I don't get him

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"I don't get him. I was closer to having sex with an actual eighty year old man than I was with Cash." Darren and I sat in the library as I listened to them vent about their unsuccessful attempt to bed Dougie, to my dismay. Darren might have been my best friend, but listening to all the ways they wanted to bone my brother wasn't something I particularly enjoyed, though I let them pour his sorrows nonetheless.

"It was perfect. The stars aligned. Then he chickened out." Darren was visibly upset, it was clear they really liked Dougie. "Darren, this is still all so new to him. You're so comfortable in your sexually, you practically bathe in glitter. Maybe he just needs some time to wrap his head around it all." I suggested, placing a hand on his arm in comfort.

"I wasn't asking him to repaint the house, it's sex." I rolled my eyes at their negatively assertive attitude as he continued to vent. "We could've done the poophole loophole in five minutes." Darren huffed. I narrowed my eyes at Quinni, who's eyes shot up from her work in curiosity. "Is that a thing?" She asked. There was absolutely no way that it was a thing, I laughed internally.

"I just made it up." Darren muttered, fiddling with the ring on their finger. "Did he say anything to you, Daisie? About me?" I shook my head as Darren shot his question with high hopes, his shoulders slumping quickly. "Maybe he just needs an incentive." Sasha spoke, a suggestive eyebrow raised. Darren nodded confidently, turning to face Sasha. "I'll give him a fifteen percent discount at work."

Us three girls shared a look of scepticism, his words making me screw my face. Darren had to be joking. "What the fuck." I muttered to Quinni, making her giggle. "No. Just send him a nude. Show him what he's missing out on." As if a lightbulb went off in Darren's head, they stood up and began to pace the floor in front of us.

"Oh my god, You're right. I've been a frigid little bitch. I am an unattainable jellyfish. I am an A-grade dick destroyer. I am an actual home wrecker!" Darren confidently remarked, Sasha agreeing with his statements. "But it can't be just any nude, it has to be the most fucked good nude in all of history." I scoffed at his words, pondering in my brain how it exactly would make Dougie feel. I hope, for Darren's sake, he likes what he sees.

Quinni and Sasha grabbed their stuff as well as Darren, and began to make their way out of the library. "Don't worry Daisie, I won't make you help me naked model for your brother. Ciao!" Darren blew me a kiss, Quinni and Sasha giving me a quick wave to say goodbye. Quickly, they left the library to achieve their assignment.

I watched Darren skip away as quickly as they had come to interrupt my free period with their Dougie drama, a somber sentiment hanging over my mind. Deep down in the darkest depths of my brain, I was scared I was going to lose Darren to their infatuation with Dougie. It all happened so quickly and before I knew it, it was all Darren could think or talk about. I wanted to tell them about Spencer, about the kiss we'd shared and about the revelation I'd come to remember from that night of the festival. I didn't care if Darren or Quinni, even Amerie, judged me for it. I had to tell them, But if we wasn't talking about how much Darren liked Dougie, then we were talking about Quinni and Sasha.

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