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"What do you think, aye?" Dougie nodded toward everybody huddled around the bench, a heated discussing regarding Amerie and Miss Obah's relationship infiltrating a perfectly sunny day

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"What do you think, aye?" Dougie nodded toward everybody huddled around the bench, a heated discussing regarding Amerie and Miss Obah's relationship infiltrating a perfectly sunny day. As Dougie approached, Spencer followed from another direction, Dusty beside him.

"I mean, it makes sense, JoJo's a clit hanger. She's always asking Amerie to stay back after class." Spencer spoke casually, his arms crossed as he took a seat next to me. "Spencer, have you ever considered using your fucking brain? The whole things bullshit." I groaned, rolling my eyes at his useless intel.

"Well, why do you think the person who made the accusation wants to stay anonymous?" Sasha questioned, before turning her head toward me and giving me a weird look. "Did you just call him Spencer?"

"I don't know, but if someone's made it up then it's a pretty messed up thing to do." Missy turned to face Harper, who was leant against a tree a few feet away from the group. Thankfully, everyone was far too concerned for Amerie and JoJo to listen to Sasha's question. As I followed Missy's eyes toward Harper, Spencer placed a hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it in reassurance.

"Nice one Harps, really outdone yourself." Spencer called out, rolling his eyes dramatically as she stood dumfounded and stared. Darren nudged me as Amerie began to walk past, her mum tightly clinging to her arm. She shared a look of desperation, pleading us to have the common sense to know the truth. "I feel so bad for her, she doesn't deserve this." I sighed, standing up from the bench and flinging my bag over my shoulder. Spencer followed, facing me with a sympathetic smile.

"It'll be okay." Spencer began to move his fingers toward my wrist, though I was quickly pulled away by Quinni linking her arm with mine and pulling me toward the opposite direction. Spencer rolled his eyes, though his smile was playful, giving me a nod goodbye as Quinni and Darren dragged me away. I noticed Quinni hadn't been talking, her headphones cocooning her face all day. As I opened my mouth to question her, Sasha began to call her name from behind us. Quinni quickly unlinked our arms, running away from the sound of Sasha's calling.

"Is she still angry at me?" Sasha sighed, coming to a halt. "She's not talking... to anyone, just give her some space." Darren said pitifully, unable to meet Sasha's eye. Darren's hand latched to my wrist, pulling me away from Sasha quickly.

"Darren, what's going on?"

"Darren, what's going on?"

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"Oh, hey." I ducked under the police tape, surprised to see Ant already in Miss Obah's classroom, looking over the map that was conjoined by the tables. "Hey, what'a you doing in here?" He asked, standing from his crouching spot near the tables.

"I came to see it for myself." I shrugged, placing my bag onto the floor and pulling myself onto one of the tables opposite, Ant taking a seat next to me. "Woah, it literally has everything on here." I scoffed.

"Well, not everything." I giggled softly as i noticed Dougie's name not adjoined to Darren. "I feel so bad for Miss Obah." I turned to face Ant, watching him nod in agreement though he failed to speak. "Is everything okay?" I questioned, Ant looking noticeable agitated as he shifted in his seat. "Yeah." He shrugged plainly, clearing his throat.

"I just feel really bad too." I furrowed my eyebrows, not totally believing that something else wasn't on his mind. "So, are you and Spider like... together?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as my cheeks began to burn. Now it was my turn to fidget, unable to conjure the correct answer. The truth was, I wasn't sure. We had sex, we liked eachother, when we was alone it felt like we was the last two people on earth... surely the answer was right in front of me. So why did I feel so uncomfortable when Ant said it?

"Erm, Technically... I don't think so." I shrugged, looking away from Ant and toward the map to avoid his burning gaze. "Really?" He scoffed, though the sound of shuffling from across the room caught me off guard.

"Hey." I shot my head up to see Dusty and Spencer ducking under the tape and making their way into the room, Spencer giving me a kind smile. "What're you two doing in here?" Dusty questioned, looking between me and Ant, though his eyes were focused primarily on Ant with a cautious stare. I pulled myself from the table and onto my feet, Spencer leaning down and picking up my bag from the floor before passing it to me, making Ant chuckle softly.

"I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about." I sighed, pulling my bag onto my shoulder. "I'm leaving anyway, Darren says Amerie's having a meltdown." I read Darren's pleading text on my phone, calling for backup immediately - no haircut could fix this tragedy.

"I'll take ya." Spencer said quickly, placing his hand onto my shoulder and guiding me toward the door, lifting the police tape so I could walk through with ease. I shook my head with a giggle, sharing a weird look with Spencer as I waved Ant and Dusty goodbye.

"Jesus, Spencer. Dragging me out for a reason?" I laughed, though Spencer didn't return it. Instead, he scoffed with an awkward smile. "You shouldn't be in there, technically that's a crime scene." He shrugged playfully, leading me toward the school car park. I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment, confused by his dismissive response even though he was quick to make me leave, though I shrugged it off as left.

"I can't believe Harper would go this far..." Darren spoke up as we watched Amerie shovel chips into her mouth, clearly devastated by the fake news circulating. I glanced between Darren and Amerie, pursing my lips for a moment. "Do you really think Harper did it?" I asked Amerie curiously, though I quickly regretted it when Both of them turned to face me in disbelief.

"She is lower than a snake's asshole.." Amerie said with a grumble, turning her attention back of her chips. "Since day one, everybody has been looking for an excuse to end SLTs for good.." I tried to remain open minded, for Harper's sake, the whole school was full of people wanting Amerie's head since the incest map had come to light.

"What, like your boyfriend?" Amerie said irritably, turning to face me with furrowed eyebrows. I opened my mouth to speak, though I wasn't sure what I was going to say.. perhaps I'd defend his honour.. or assure my friends that Spencer wasn't my boyfriend, but I was so taken aback by her words that I wasn't sure what to say. "Okay.. irrelevant." Darren interrupted Amerie's irritation, moving the chips from in front of her.

"Look, whether she did it or not.. there's only one way you'll find ou-" I said, looking between Darren and Amerie as I spoke.

"I'm gonna beat that bitch up." Amerie interrupted me, speaking calmly as she nodded in agreement with her own words. My eyes widened slightly, giving Darren a look to step in. "Maybe you could try your words first, Amerie.." Darren suggested with a small smile.


💔Thoughts on season 2?💔

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