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"He walked me home, we kissed

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"He walked me home, we kissed. Nothing too juicy." Darren said with a wink, nudging my shoulder. I wiggled my eyebrows as they told me how them and Dougie came to kiss. "I went home and had the best mazza of my life." I gasped at Darren's words, covering my ears as they spoke about my brother.

I hadn't asked Dougie about his time with Darren, I knew this was all new to him. I didn't want to push him for answers about something he was still trying to figure out.

"Slut." I replied, Darren rolling their eyes playfully. "Did you get home okay? I feel so bad, you was meant to be coming home with me." Darren said with a dramatic pout, resting their head onto my shoulder. "Actually..." Quinni and Amerie looked up from their phones as I spoke, the meme of Malakai being attacked by the police officer was brutal enough without the grunt he made being on repeat. Ant and Spider strode past, Spider glancing down at me with a smirk.

"What the fuck?" Darren said, squeezing my arm tightly. "Did you fuck Spider?" Amerie asked, loud enough for the people surrounding us to turn their heads. "Fuck? No, Amerie!" I smacked my hand onto my forehead, melting from the embarrassment. "He just took me home, that's all." Darren moaned dramatically, throwing their head back.

"Uh, he took you home! That's hot as fuck." We all laughed in unison at Darren's words. "You guys are arseholes." I muttered, my cheeks heated. We all stood up and made our way into assembly, ready to listen to whatever nonsense Woodsy had for us today.

We were to compete in picking up trash for a PlayStation gift voucher. Nothing like getting a crowd riled up for a... voucher. Quinni was determined to win, and so I'd told her any of the trash I accumulated she could take as her own.

Throughout the assembly, I'd noticed Malakai was jittery, He seemed excessively uncomfortable. I exchanged a few glances with Amerie, it seemed we'd both noticed his strange behaviour. As the assembly drew to a close, Sasha and Missy made their way over to us. "There's no way I'm cleaning the girls toilets, they don't change those sanitary bins. Shit's a horror show." I groaned, flinging my bag over my shoulder.

As Quinni and Sasha chatted along with Darren, Missy caught my attention as she took a step toward me. I liked Missy, she was a beautiful girl and nice to be around. When she was with Sasha she acted a little bit different, but that was to keep up with Sasha's standards. I didn't particularly like Sasha, though I would never admit it to Quinni, or Darren for that matter.

"Mardi Gras was pretty intense, ay'?" I nodded in response. "And that whole thing with Spider and Ant! It's giving love triangle. Love that for you." Missy winked, I laughed and shook my head as we made our way out of the gym. "Really?"

"Honey, everybody thinks you have those boys on a leash. Some are even saying you're messing around with them both." Missy shrugged. My eyes widened at her statement, only bad things can come from rumours like that. "Messing around as in..." I needed the clarification though I knew exactly what she meant.

"Do you want me to spell it out for you? Everyone thinks you're fucking them both! There's even a rumour going around that you got double-dicked! And that they're totally fighting over you! but don't worry. I know it's not true." Her words were discreet, but only now had I noticed everybody looking as I walked down the hallway.

I sat in the back corner of 5D, resting my head on the table as I watched the window

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I sat in the back corner of 5D, resting my head on the table as I watched the window. I took no notice of what the classroom topic of discussion was, instead I blankly watched people walk past the window or look out for an occasional bird that would perch on the tables outside.

Someone tapped my arm making me shoot my head up to face them. Ant stood next to me, a somber expression on his face. "Are you okay?" I nodded, though I didn't feel it. I felt humiliated by the rumour that was circulating the school. I wasn't ashamed by the nature of the rumour, but the fact that Spider and Ant were going to be praised for something that wasn't true and I was going to be labelled as a slut. He held out a ticket, a stiff smile on his face. Spider and Dusty waited at the door for Ant, watching our interacting.

"A peace offering. Come to our gig tonight?" I took the ticket from his hand, the corner of my lip curving into a smile. "On a school night?" I laughed, placing the ticket into my bag. Ant shrugged, running a hand through his thick hair. "It's amateur night. I know it doesn't seem like it, but we're amateurs."

I looked over Ant's shoulder, Spider and Dusty still stood across the classroom. I stood from my seat, grabbing my bag. "I don't know, maybe." I shrugged, before making my way out of the classroom, brushing past the two boys on the way out. If it wasn't obvious, I wasn't really in the mood to go out.

"What's wrong with you two

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"What's wrong with you two." Quinni asked, Darren and I sat on a table on the field as her and Amerie picked up trash. "I'm getting mixed signals from Cash. We kissed, it was hot but he hasn't made a move. He hasn't even spoken to me."  Darren shrugged, side eyeing me as I sat next to them with my hoodie pulled over my head. "I don't know what's wrong with her." He nodded his head in my direction.

"People think I had a threesome with Ant and Spider and the reason they were fighting at Slay Ball was because of me." I whined, pulling my hood down. "Okay, that's a little bit more juicy than my issue." I rolled my eyes at Darren's words, placing my head in my hands. "Ant invited me to his gig tonight, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Okay, listen. Who gives a shit about whatever these people think? High school isn't your whole life Daisie, it'll probably blow over tomorrow." Amerie said, placing a hand onto my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. "Grow up Amerie, people are still talking about your sex map four weeks after it happened. In fact, if it wasn't for your sex map I would've never had to associate myself with them in the first place." I sighed, everybody falling silent.

"Okay, harsh. Seriously, Daisie you're overreacting. You will go the gig, I will come with you and you will see that nobody will care about any of this tomorrow." Darren reassured me. I nodded, their words making me feel a little bit better about the whole thing. They was probably right, it was just stupid speculation. None of it was true. "Amerie, Quinni, gig?"

"Sorry, Malakai and I are going on a date tonight." Amerie said, Quinni nodding at her words. "Same for me and Sasha, you two have an amazing time though!"

I turned to Amerie, pleasantly surprised by what she said. "With Malakai? So you've made up?" I asked happily, to which she replied with a cheerful nod.

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